Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Themes of Your Life

Far from the “reality” of your present circumstance lies the potential of all your dreams made manifest. So how do you move forward and don these new clothes of experience? We might suggest that the seeds of growth are in your pocket right now and all you need do is plant them with your intention and water them with your willingness to not settle for the past but to move forward with the clear insight of Knowing that all is being fulfilled in divine order. The bricks of expression are crafted from a clear commitment to make this your plan and to remain steadfast in your commitment to moving undeterred past the snags that would lead others astray.

That being said, what is your soul longing to accomplish in the following, weeks, months, lifetime? Is there a clear vision of what you came here to do and how you see this playing out in life? If you were to strip away all the “things” that clutter your life, what would be the underlying theme song playing in the background? This remains the prime motivation of your incarnation that continues to show up in some form repeatedly until all of the lessons of Love surrounding it are brought into being.

As to how you might move through these more rapidly and productively, we might suggest that closer examination of all of the underlying themes of your life might be in order. By stepping back and objectively viewing the motivating factors that you find recurring again and again, you begin to get a sense of what your soul contract may have included. Is this a lesson you may have completed or do you still have a little course work to do before turning in your term paper? Only you can honestly acknowledge whether you feel complete in this subject and are ready to move on to the next. This could be in another incarnation or in graduate school in the present. Once you have completed the assignment it is yours and does not need to be revisited again. Time for more advanced studies.

You are finding the coursework to be easier to navigate as you move through the catalogue of experience. Are you ready to take on the more advanced studies? Perhaps you have assimilated all you require for your own edification and now it is time to begin to share and give back to those who have inspired you to wholeness. The sages of this world are the ones who have honed their awareness and made their own course corrections in life. Perhaps they have come to realize that their highest form of service is to the collective and in holding open the door for others to enter. Do you wish to take your place at the head of the new contingent that is forming and help usher others into a more light-filled space?

Or perhaps are you a loner who must forever be blazing trails for others, ever mindful of the unique abilities you have for seeing things and Knowing things beyond the perception of others who are to follow in your footsteps. It takes courage and self-determination to “go it alone” and a willingness to sacrifice the temporal in favor of the vision. This need not be a lifelong commitment to the solitary, but at times it may be necessary to clear out the clutter of associations in order to revision your life.

The journeys of spirit are many and varied. No one needs to be the defining theme for an entire life. As lives are extended through technology and understanding, many themes may be played out over the span of a lifetime rather than being cut short in their prime. This allows the full flowering of experience to unfold in ways that allow deeper exploration and embodiment. Perhaps it is time to examine the patterns and themes in your life and determine whether there is work yet to be completed or if a new one is just forming in the ethers. Step back and you will be able to see the images that are heralding a new life emerging in which you are the key player. How do you wish this to be staged and who do you wish to include in the cast? All is being fulfilled in divine order according to your orchestration. Curtain going up…


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