Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Dance of Relationships

If you make the choice to travel on an upward path of understanding, it helps to have others to share your insights. It is in the refining that we go through when we share ourselves with others that we are able to remove the superfluous misunderstandings and refine our own process of expression. The mere act of voicing our Truth to others and receiving it echoed back to us in their words helps impress upon our consciousness that this is in fact a reality and that we are being heard and understood in the world.

It is through the eyes of others that we not only validate our perceptions but try out new concepts and feelings. Without intimate partners in our lives, we miss the opportunity to express our true, authentic selves and to return the favor in kind. This may not always be well received or appreciated but this too is our lesson which causes us to reflect upon our process and our passion and to make adjustments as necessary if we wish to grow in concert with this other being.

It is a dance of friendship and partnership that we do in the flow of life that builds and reinforces patterns of Loving awareness that links and binds us with other souls on our path. Without the intimate friendships and partnerships with others we would not have the opportunity to flex the muscles of Love in this important way. We are all attuned to the frequency of Love that is hardwired into our being. Sometimes the channel gets off station a bit. It is through the Lovers and partners our life that we retune ourselves to this higher frequency and are able to hear and see ourselves as Loveable through their eyes and thus adjust our own sensory systems in resonance.

This is the dance of experience that is the most productive and transformative. If we were to go through life in the isolation of self experience, we would be deprived of the higher education of interaction. Without those who care enough to tell us where we hit the mark and where we fall short in the arena of communication, we would have little incentive to “clean up our act” and aim higher. It is frequently our wanting to shine brighter in their eyes that we find our reason for discarding the old and begin shopping for our new and improved selves. The more we are able to surrender the parts of ourselves which no longer glisten in our partners eyes, the greater will be our ability to become the Loving presence we are calling into being through their inspiration. This is the promise of the dance of partnership and Love.

If our partners are unable to see past their own neediness and illusions, we can serve them as well as ourselves by being the example of unconditional Love in their life. This requires nothing more than holding the mirror that allows them to stand tall in their own strength and power. The vision of their perfection that you reflect back to them, no matter what they may do or feel themselves, will be the guiding presence in their lives until they can don this garment themselves. If we feel that we are worthy and appreciated by those we Love, we are more likely to rise higher in order to embrace that vision within ourselves.

If those we have chosen to dance with in life are unwilling or unable to dance in harmony with each other and to learn and grow together perhaps the dance is completed and it is time to change partners. There are those in our life who we come together with for a moment and others who may have a lifelong commitment of partnerships. Some times we hold on, remembering past moments of grandeur when all was synchronistically in tune, not realizing that the music has stopped. Love is also service that allows the other to grow in new areas and form new partnerships in the dance of life. Lessons in Love are also about letting go of the need to hold on and freeing our partners to soar higher on their own.

The pain of loss is mitigated by the Knowing that whatever was experienced can be replicated in a higher and brighter form, building upon the knowledge gained and the lessons learned, thanks to our Loving partners. All is taking place in an upward spiral of Loving awareness. Thank your intimate partners for they contribute to your growth and understanding every day. Do-si-do…


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