Friday, January 21, 2011

In Your Dreams

The fulfillment of dreams is not so much a function of bringing into form all of the desires of the personality, but it is in fact the coming together of the deeply held vision of the soul being made manifest in the world of form. If you experience something in a dream state, it is a dance with your deepest soul awareness that is allowing you to glimpse the possibilities in symbolic form in order to try out these in the world of experience. While they may not look like the expression in a linear way, there is a planting of the template that allows life to play out in a similar fashion. It might be considered a “trial run” to see if the personality is willing and able to step forward to the experience or if more “ground work” needs to be put in to connect the dots.

All of this is merely background to say that while dreams are not necessarily literal interpretations of the world in which you carry out your manifestation of experience, they are in fact “real” to the extent that they are patterns of experience waiting to be formed or restructured, depending on the level of awareness and commitment of the director.

As for the purpose of your dreams, we might suggest that they can be used as a bridge between the world of form and the subconscious. Your willingness to record these messages while in a transitory state and to examine them upon waking will give you insight as to where you are heading and how the deeper purpose of your journey is playing out in the context of your world. This insight can give you advance warning of things you may have glossed over that are of greater importance, but can also give you insight as to how a present course of action might create a different scenario than desired. It is a way of seeing life as a farce but one that has deeper meaning than the surface action that is playing out.

As for the different characters in your dreams…While all are an aspect of your Truth, the faces may be malleable, depending on the aspects of a known character that they are reflecting. You may not recognize this aspect in yourself, but when it comes in the guise of another it is easier to pick it apart and sense how this pattern is part of you and the life that you share together. It is a mirror of revelation that is being held for you to see the good, the bad and the ugly of our experiences together and how they are playing out for the betterment of all. This is a group experience that is bending and shaping each into perfection on a grander scale and dreams are merely part of the shaping and refining process.

As to how you might tap into this process in order to achieve clarity in your life, we might suggest that awareness is the first step to understanding. Keeping a journal of the themes in your dreams and reoccurring characters is a start. This usually takes place in a journal beside the bed where salient moments and thoughts are jotted down before arising and before they fade from memory. Take time to reflect upon the messages at a later time but for now merely allow the memories to record upon the page uncensored. Your clearest thoughts and recollections are the purest before the ego steps in ad rearranges memories to fit its the agenda. Practice stepping aside and allowing Truth to flow without reason and distortion and you will unlock the messages your soul is trying to communicate in your sleep.

You may find that you instinctively Know the interpretation and are able to decipher the messages yourself or it requires the clearer, impartial vision of others to look beyond the jumble of thoughts and images and rearrange the pictures into patterns that “make sense” to our linear minds. This all depends upon how strongly you are holding on to the outcome of the fantasy of your life. The more that you have projected outcomes and events into your panorama of experience, the harder it will be for you to dissolve these visions and reassemble the pieces in a different form. Dreams are one way to nudge you past the “real” and to try out alternate realities. Allow your imagination to float freely in your dreams without restraint and you will able to free flow with life in concert with your soul’s promptings in a dance of astounding beauty and meaning…Dream on…


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