Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No Excuses

Excuses are the vestiges of the personality that refuse to surrender to the reality of the situation. One might think of this as a slow descent into the quicksand of doubt and self-deception as one grasps at straws of reality which will ultimately fail to support the weight of our inner Truth. When we attempt to “justify” our actions instead of owning our Truth, we only prolong our awakening.

How many of us take the “easy” road by glossing over our own imperfections and missteps? How different might be our journey if we discontinued the practice of justification of our actions and instead chose to live in the higher version of our Truth? It is time to be the heroes of our script and not just giving lip service to the role.

If we were to step forward into our authentic self, what might the newly minted version look like? If we were to begin from this day forward creating the life of our dreams, what would that be? How might we go about the process or building a new framework for our life that reflects the Truth of our commitment and not just a lesser version of ourselves that fails to measure up?

In visioning the ideal you wish to create at this moment, what is it that you have made excuses about because you have been unwilling to step up a notch and bring your actions in alignment with your words? How important is your attachment to the old you and how does this different from the “new and improved” version you know to be your real, authentic self? It is like moving through a hall of mirrors - will the real you step forward and assume the staff of self mastery and sovereignty? You are truly the one with responsibility and control of your actions.

If your excuses usually begin with relinquishing your power to control a situation because of the actions of others, you might wish to examine how you are surrendering your power to the others in your life. How can you step up to the plate and redirect your actions to reflect not only your own version of Truth and Justice but to help those less enlightened to come from theirs as well. This journey is one of discovery and fulfillment to be shared by all.

The excuses we give ourselves and others are the veils that prevent our seeing and creating our highest potential. Your only excuse for failing to live up to what you Know to be True and worthy is your commitment to your own journey. Your willingness to see past these lessons of the ego is reflected in the responsibility you take for your actions. You alone must decide what version of the Truth is the banner under which you serve.

Do you wish to continue to hide your true self in the shadows or are you determined to step forward and don your mantle of greatness? The greatest leaders in life are those who offer no excuses but are willing to honor and express their own Truth. The vulnerability they show when they stand in the magnificence of their presence, warts and all, encourages and inspires others to join them in the process. When we put our heroes on a pedestal, we create a distinction between us and them that implies a chasm of attainability that we are unable to surmount. By leveling the playing field between us and them, it uplifts all who are part of this rising tide of energy that surrounds all.

The energetic soup that is the matrix for humanity is being seasoned with the thoughts, inspirations and understanding of those who are stepping forward and expressing their Truth. No excuses for what has or has not been; only a determination to journey a higher path to understanding and action. How will you show up in life that reflects your higher Truth and return the favor to those who have been the pioneers in this effort? You are being called to step forward and take up your banner of Truth. What does this look like in your life? Time to begin the journey…No excuses…


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