Wednesday, December 29, 2010


If in the course of human events you find yourself searching for meaning and purpose in your life you might wish to take into consideration the far-reaching effect your thought and actions have on the evolving body of humanity. By “merely” perfecting your own attitude and response to the stimulus in your life, you help transform the planetary consciousness in the process. What if your small adjustment in attitude and perception were the spark necessary to ignite the bonfire of realization and become the tipping point for transformation of the planet?

It behooves everyone incarnate to take this opportunity for transformation to look outside themselves and be aware of the others that are interlocked in this process of transformation. This is not a solitary journey. When one cell in the body of divine experience is damaged or diseased, it affects those around it as well. Likewise when one is fanning the divine spark of awareness within the body, the warmth and glow will be felt and appreciated by those around it as well. This is a group experience of Loving awareness.

By remaining steadfast in your Love and awareness of the process taking place, those around you cannot help but being affected with the vibratory field you are creating. While they may not recognize the alchemy, they will nevertheless be drawn to the experience and share in the process. As there are no ordinary moments, neither are there any “ordinary” experiences in this rarefied state. When all of life is elevated a notch in vibration, all in association strive to match this new frequency that is being created. People in the process only know that they instantly feel more peaceful and alive when they tune into this higher vibratory level. It is hard to remain mired in a frequency of doubt, fear and despair when this is not reflected by those around you. As a moth is drawn to a flame, also will those requiring an infusion of Light energy be drawn to those that they feel are part of the process of transformation.

Given this understanding, is it not relevant that your part of the process of planetary transformation is to hold the frequency of Light energy and reflect its brilliance to all you encounter if you wish Peace and Love to reign supreme? What in your demeanor or actions does not reflect this higher purpose of your journey? How are your shrouding your inner Light and vision that is shielding its reflection from those around you? What shift in attitude can you make that helps open the inner doors of awareness for yourselves and for others? This is a Knowing but also a commitment that you can reach higher, not just for your own edification and enlightenment, but for others that are connected on this cosmic grid.

If you consider yourselves part of a string of lights, wired together in the group process of ascension and transformation, how can you repair the integrity of your center of electrification that enhances the performance of the whole and upgrades the capacity for even brighter illumination? This is the process that is taking place. The wattage of illumination is being constantly upgraded as more and more are committed to self growth and inner awareness. Though it may feel like an individual journey, there is in fact a vibratory connection that is coming on line in a big way that is servicing the capacity of the grid. No ordinary moments and no ordinary experiences for all are being called into service as part of the shared process of illumination.

Your charge at this time of growth and restructuring is to hold bright and steady the things you Know to be true and beneficial, no matter what the illusion of destruction around you. This is merely a reforming and rewiring of the cosmic grid and in perfect divine order in order for the new “wiring” to come on line. Continue to hold together the grid of awareness and provide illumination to those around you. The new frequency of Loving awareness is coming on line spark by spark and the conflagration of Light energy will and is something to behold. You are part of the current of illumination so hold steady in the flow. Let there be Light….


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