Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thoughtful Intentions

If you believe that you have mastery over your own destiny, how might you chart your course that reflects your highest possibilities for growth and awareness? Are you content to let others determine how and when you show up for the events in your life or are you willing to take a more active role in the process? We wish to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and become an active participant in your life in form.
When all of your actions and thoughts have purpose and meaning, they reflect the higher vision of your journey. If you set an intention and measure your actions as to whether they measure up to the standards and focus you have defined, you will be assured that all is not only well but on track as far as creating the life you wish to live. It is a process of creation taken to the grass roots level of manifestation. The more you are able to allow the intention to become the shell in which the embryonic process is forming and allow Spirit to take care of the details, the more the magic will take over.

As you go about your lives you will begin to see the fingerprints of your intention on the various elements in your lives that are coalescing into form. The more you are willing to surrender to the mystery, the easier will be the process of creation. The less rigid you are about the form this is to take, the more you open to the possibilities in life. How fun to see the beauty of synchronicity unfolding in life when you get out of your own way.

We say get out of your own way because this is the secret to manifestation with the divine. The more attached you are to outcomes and results in the form you want them to look like, the more you get in the way of creation. It is about having faith that whatever is coming into form is perfect, not only in your limited vision, but in the ever-expanding association of interlocking forms and situations to satisfy not only your needs but also those of your association.

Being open to receive even though it may not look like the creation you had in mind is also part of the process. If you Know that all is for your highest good, the things that do not conform to your vision may be used as pointers to the areas you may wish to examine for closer scrutiny. How is the new direction serving your soul evolution rather than the ego? What is this new form of answered prayer saying to you about the true meaning and value of your actions?

Discernment is one of the perks of advancing years. The more frame of reference you have for your actions, the clearer will become the message and the vision of what is really going on beneath the surface. The easier it is to step back and see the patterns in your life and the predictable results of your actions, the easier it is to alter the destructive ones into more desirable outcomes. Now we say desirable because that is an aspect of thinking that aligns with the ego. The soul’s desire is to align with thoughts and actions that beckon you ever higher on your spiritual path. If you require an attitude adjustment to see the gift in some events in your life, it is a subtle message from your soul to reach higher and deeper for the hidden message.

Your receptivity to change is becoming your highest ally as you move cautiously through the minefields of life. You instinctively know the dangers but also that there is a path of wonder if you are mindful of the risks as well as the rewards. It is no longer “safe” to sit on the sidelines of life. You are being asked by your soul to step forward and engage the adventure of life lived in the fullness of experience. Your challenge is to set your intention and then be willing to follow and engage wherever it takes you even though you may not recognize the terrain. This is the testing of your resolve that will serve you well in these chaotic times. Courage is being willing to rely on your inner guidance unheeding of the fearful admonishments of others because you Know this to be the right course of action. Troubled times call for those of courage and conviction to move fearlessly toward the Light of transformation. Carry on…


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