Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Team Play

Leveling the playing field is usually a matter of finding a common frame of reference for understanding. As you begin the process of interaction with the unknown, it helps to familiarize yourself with the parameters of the playing field itself. What are the rules of the game of engagement? Will the others be adhering strictly to these parameters or will there be room to change courses in mid stream and move into new directions with different objectives and goals?
How you conduct yourself on the “playing field” will determine the depth of your experience with others. If you demonstrate on a consistent basis that you can be trusted to operate from this highest level of integrity, you will certainly be trusted to captain the team and to provide the game plays of life. However if you consistently fail to show up for practice and make up plays for your own edification rather than considering the needs and abilities of others, you will probably find yourself benched on the sidelines of life. These are the rules of engagement in life as well as sport.

Times are calling for team players in the game of life. Those that “get it” are coming together in associations that mirror teams of understanding. There was a time that called for each to perfect their skills on the home court but now it is incumbent upon you to join with others and begin to demonstrate what you have learned there. Abilities are being shared by those who are traveling together through life in formation and the moves will come easily once you are back in place with your home team.

Who do you feel an instant recognition and affinity with that might signal a team player that is looking for a “pick up” game? Who instinctively knows the moves of life and is there where you need them to supply the supporting moves and assist you in your journey? Who can you count on without question to serve and grow with you unselfishly and be the backup you require for your plays of achievement? You are being called to practice so that you will be ready when the challenge of life in the big leagues becomes the reality. You are being scouted and groomed for higher purposes. It is time to develop your game to the highest level of achievement so that you will all act instinctively and in harmony, fulfilling your supporting roles without question as you move through the challenges of change.

Your teammates are your new “family” in life and you are forging bonds of association that will prove unbreakable in the new paradigm. Emphasis is shifting to the focus of the team achievement rather than on the egotic stance of the individual. All are moving as one and each have their unique parts to play in the metaphor of teammanship. This is a developing synthesis that comes together in diversity but coheses into a functioning unit of common purpose and growth together.

The concept of teammates is played out in the fractal experience of growth together. All are part of not only the process but the formation that is created in ever-repeating patterns in the global community. Associations, partnerships, teams are the new structures of life as more and more are cohesing into patterns of growth together. As more and more are realizing that they are not alone and separate, but interacting cells in the vast body of divine experience, the team rivalries melt away and all are becoming an amalgam of individuals that are coalescing into oneness; individuated but part of the greater whole of humanity.

Your “homework” is to find ways to incorporate this knowledge into form in your life. How can you work together more effectively with those that you feel drawn to on an intuitive level? How do their unique talents and abilities dovetail into your own and that of others who are also drawn together in experience. This has moved past the process of individuation into a process of cohesion. How do you come together with others who “get it” as well and work together in common purpose on the “team” of humanity? Time to “play ball” for the game has begun.


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