Monday, November 1, 2010

Polishing the Soul Group

Projection of your beliefs or feelings upon another prevents your living in the truth of your reality. When you operate in a spectrum of reality that assumes all to be congruent with your perceptions, it is difficult to imagine that others around you do not “get it” the way you do. This is not the case in your world which is operating at a full spectrum of dimensional frequencies. There are those that are still growing out of the lower levels of vibration that see life through a keyhole of limited scope. Grounded fully in the egocentric desires of their singular experience, they operate in the dimness of a life lived in the shadows of fear.

As one progresses through many lifetimes, there develops a trust in the goodness of others and one continually adds to the spectrum of beliefs and emotional responses necessary for growth. The more one is able to let go of the fears, the higher becomes their vibrational patterning. The evolution of form requires that one becomes attuned with the Light frequencies in order to let go of their earthly form. This is the journey of the soul.

Time is approaching when many who have chosen this upward spiritual path will be given the opportunity for transmutation. This is not to say that those who have not achieved this level of evolution will be left behind, but merely allowed to catch a future train Home. Those on the fast track to ascension will be rewarded with opportunities to choose the destination of their next growth experience. Many are sensing the separation as there is a natural selection of associates in the journey. Those of lower vibrations frequencies are pulling away and those of you that have raised your frequency of vibration find yourselves surrounded by others who are magnetically being pulled together in association.

Given these dynamics, we might suggest that once the “schools” have been defined, you begin sharing the talents and understandings with those you have called into your sphere of influence so that all may continue to grow together. These are the schools of the new earth that are taking place in the living rooms and family rooms of your homes. These places of shared learning together no longer require institutions and places of worship in which to exchange knowledge and awareness. In the relaxed atmosphere of a home environment, there is a letting down of barriers of separation and an implied welcoming of others to partake of meaningful levels of exchange in a “safe” environment. It is with those we invite into our homes to break bread and drink together that we are forming a new communion of souls of the new earth.

As for the curriculum of the new family of souls, we might suggest that you begin with a sharing of your personal beliefs and motivations. By honestly revealing to the others “who you are” it will open doors of recognition and allow others to express their true, authentic self as well. It is in the sharing and recognition of our own foibles and inconsistencies that we are invited into understanding with our partners in growth together. It is a polishing and that is taking place of the group soul so that growth can be accelerated and transformation take place. It is a time of becoming one in community where all are dedicated to the emergence of the Oneness of humanity. These are the finishing schools of the growth process.

The effectiveness of these microcosms of experience is largely reflective of the willingness of the partners to open themselves to the scrutiny of others. In the stripping away of the layers of illusion that we have shielded ourselves, we let more and more of our inner Light shine freely to heal and enlighten not only ourselves but others we have chosen for our collective growth. This is a group process that is beginning at home but will be expanding as we continue to connect the dots of our new societies. You are at the forefront of the microcosm of experience that is forming the building blocks of an expanded reality. Begin to shine your Light of recognition and invite those you Know to be on a similar journey and you will be able to lay the foundation for this emerging New Earth. It is time…


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