Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lessons in Anger

When one is angry, it is usually a result of failing to align with one’s soul purpose and anger at one’s self for failing to heed the warning signs which resulted in untoward action. One can be angry at the injustice in the world but isn’t this merely an awakening and reflection of something within our soul programming that requires us to address that issue? Beneath every cause for anger is a lesson screaming to make itself known.

What causes you to bubble over with anger? Does it have to do with an image of one’s self that is no longer reflective of the way you wish to be viewed by the external world? How do you see yourself and how is the opinion of others different from what you wish it to be? What is causing this disparity? Perhaps you are not acting in ways that reflect an inner shift that you have made. Perhaps this is a reminder that there is still work to be done in coming into alignment with your intentions and your actions.

When the actions of others cause us to rise to anger, it is frequently a message that we need to be true to ourselves. If we are being shown a mirror, what is it we are hesitant to acknowledge? What have we created as our image of the self we wish to be and how has our behavior differed from this ideal? Anger is merely an emotion that signals to our personality that it is not in balance and further consideration needs to be given to its cause.

Many causes for anger are the result of past wounds that have long buried roots. If an “injustice” was perpetrated upon us when we were a child or unable to address it in a powerful way, this memory may be buried in our vault of self-expression until a later time when we are able to resolve it in a more suitable manner. When anger erupts “out of the blue” it usually means that the deep-seated cause of the festering wound is now ready to be healed. Willingness to gently probe the cause for discomfort can open these old wounds and allow them to heal in the balm of forgiveness.

Until we are able to forgive the perpetrator and Lovingly thank them for the part they played in our growth and understanding, we will be forever tied to the process we shared. While you may not condone the actions of the other that caused the wounding, it was necessary for your growth and understanding and therefore valuable as a tool for growth. This is your opportunity to forgive and mirror the grace of God’s Love in finding the Loving message in all experience. As you transform your anger into Loving energy, you release the pent-up energy and allow it to dissipate in the light of understanding.

Anger is a festering sore that causes pain on an emotional as well as a physical level. Unresolved anger frequently erupts in the physical body as dis-ease. When energy becomes trapped, it frequently finds a suitable place for expression. Finding the root cause for disease requires deep introspection as to the emotional components of the process. Where is the disruption occurring and what emotions are expressed in the chakra that is associated with that area? What is your body trying to express in the physical that points to the emotional component?

We are a complex, multi-dimensional energy body. If energy is stuffed down emotionally, it seeks expression in that area of the physical in order to get our attention and calls for resolution. Listen to the subtle energies signals your body is showing you and you will have a greater appreciation of what is going on in your life and what you might do in order to correct the imbalance in positive ways.

Allowing the light of understanding to flow through the mental body and release the anger that is threatening to damage the physical is a process of consciousness that can transform pain into enlightenment. By allowing the message of anger to guide you on an inward journey into understanding you are transmuting this negative thought form into a magnificent expression of light energy and using this light to illuminate the dark parts of your soul journey. Good job!


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