Friday, November 12, 2010


Sources for expanded thought are never far from your awareness. It behooves you to look close to home rather than on some lofty peak or through the teachings of some guru when seeking the answers to how to live a life of meaning and purpose from outside rather than from within. You have been sent to the earth school with all the baggage you require for your journey securely packed within, awaiting your discovery like an unexpected “care package” from Home.

When we say Home, of course we are speaking of your spiritual Home which implies your return to Source. As one matures in years and understanding, it is frequently from this reserve that one is able to draw on for wisdom and insight to find the hidden resources that are meant to not only sustain, but refresh one’s memory of what it means to come from Love in all one does. Hidden in the chaos of jumbled belongings we all have a keepsake that tells us that we are Loved in the perfection of the God-self but also that we are Loveable beyond measure and capable of reflecting this divine presence and share it with all we meet. You might visualize this as a tiny spark that is secreted in our belongings that once revealed, becomes an all-encompassing brilliance that over shines all that we bring into our countenance. As we are enfolded and bathed in Loving Awareness, we become one with that Light and are able to shine and enfold others into the presence. We ARE one with the Light.

Now you may not always feel that this is the case. When challenges and difficulties are all you can see from your foxhole of obscurity, it is difficult to embrace a Loving, all-seeing God presence. When all around you are consistently pointing out the “failures” of others and how everything you are experience has some malevolent purpose, it is difficult to believe otherwise. Chaotic times call for not only strong strength of character, but an inner Knowing that all is not as it appears. If you are immersed in an atmosphere of doubt, you may not be able to reach for the air mask of inner Knowing in order to find your way out of the fog.

We wish to affirm to you that all is not as it might appear. Instead of “going to hell in a hand basket” the world is on the cusp of change and revelation and is reaching for a life jacket of much magnitude. While there are many who would tell you otherwise, you are on the brink of reaching a tipping point of understanding. Most agree that the status quo is unacceptable but there is much discussion as to where you may wish to go from here. This is where faith comes in. If you believe in the concept of an all-loving father, is it not reasonable to assume that you would have been sent off on your journey with all that you require to complete the process? This merely requires one to look into the recesses of one’s baggage and to examine all you Know to be True on an inner level of Truth and compare this against what others are telling you is the case. Vibrationally there are many who would seek your assurance that what they are purporting is valid. This is not always the case. Just because one shares their version of “truth” does not make it so in your eyes if your inner senses are telling you otherwise.

This is where your inner Knowing comes into play. You have within the “gut feelings” that are the truest indicator of the Truth in your life. This may have been disengaged when the ego tried to override its functioning and substituting the thoughts and opinions of others for what you innately Know to be True. Time to dust off your perceptions and begin exercising your inmate inner wisdom in order to find the Truth in your life. You KNOW the Truth. Whether you are able to accept its existence and follow in your own wisdom, despite “evidence” to the contrary is something different.

You are the master of your own ship and it is time to regain the sovereignty of your journey in order to find your own course of action. Your ability to ride on the waves of discovery and steer by the guiding star of your Truth is being tested. Allow your inner guidance to flow freely and grease the wheels of manifestation and you will be extricated from the log jam of illusion and directed into the current of life everlasting. It is time…


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