Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Growth can be measured in many ways. There is, of course, the physical accumulation of cells that causes an increase in stature but this is only the obvious. Growth on a deeper level can be measured on a vibratory scale as more experiences and understandings increase the capacity and the content of understanding. The rate of growth is inversely proportionate to the presence of fear in one’s life. Fear might be thought of as a retardant to the growth process. If one is operating in a state of fear, one is unable to move past this impasse in order to reach out and assimilate new ideas and concepts.

It would seem that if one wishes to grow in understanding, the first step would be to address the subject of fear. Is it fear of the unknown that is keeping one grounded in the present? Does this come back to a fear that you will be unable to deal with unseen occurrences? What would make you more confident in yourself and your ability to handle new situations? Perhaps it is time to take mini-steps in order to build up confidence in yourself that you can deal with whatever presents itself in new ways. Confidence is built through experience and as long as you postpone facing new experiences and overcoming challenges you will remain rooted in fear of the unknown and untested. As we test ourselves and achieve confidence in our abilities, we continue to remove the stumbling blocks to growth.

Perhaps you have attempted something beyond your grasp and failed to make the connection. Again, breaking the task down into mini segments can make it more manageable. In reflection, what might have been done differently that would give a greater possibility for achievement? Who might you enlist to help shoulder the load or provide directional assistance that would increase the chances for completion? Growth is a process of overcoming obstacles and finding new ways of scaling barriers in our path. Unless we are willing to step out of our rut of complacency, growth will be impossible.

Growth requires a willingness to step forward and “bring it on”. This can come in an avalanche or in a gentle rainstorm. You decide the rate of your growth by your willingness to let go of the things that prevent your forward movement. The more you let go of requirements and conditions, the easier will be the journey. Perhaps you have ingrained beliefs about the “permanence” of a condition. It might require an earth-shattering occurrence in order to allow you to move pass this impasse and create a greater understanding. Those who have learned to hold people and things lightly in open hands will find an easier situation in going with the flow of life. Do you intend to hold fastly to the anchors of life as the current moves swiftly by or to find ways of ebbing and flowing in the maelstrom until smoother waters are found? It is the choices we make in our lives that control the rate of our growth. Often it is the catalyst of surrender that allows us to move forward in leaps and bounds in the growth process.

One of the results of monumental leaps of understanding is that you are now able to build a new foundation and begin again erecting the structure of life. By shattering the old premise, you can determine which materials are still viable and which need to be discarded. From this you will be able to begin anew to reconstruct the resting places for the present. We say resting places because new ideas require a time of gestation and maturation in order to become part of your repertoire. Once you are comfortable with and understand the concepts, you will be refreshed and able to move forward in the next leap of understanding and begin the process anew.

It is a never-ending process to continue to grow in understanding and awareness as we proceed on our journey Home. To retard the growth process only delays the journey and creates difficulties for ourselves that must be surmounted or blasted apart in order to allow passage. Begin to examine the things that are preventing growth in your life and you will find the flow of moving effortlessly in a steady direction Home.


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