Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Those who believe that they are alone in their search for meaning and fulfillment tend to think of themselves in the singular as indicated by the use of “I” in their speech. While connected with and reflective of the attachment to the ego, it is more like an unwillingness to acknowledge their attachment to others on the path. Theirs is a singular journey and they alone are masters of their own domain.

Those that have progressed further in their awareness and raised their level of consciousness to a higher frequency will begin to drop the “I” from their pattern of speech. This is a signal of the deeper acknowledgement that is being felt and understood that we are indeed all One in the body of God. This little shift in patterns of speech is reflective of this awareness and acceptance on a profound level within their lives.

When you shift your thinking and understanding to the inclusive “we”, you open doors of understanding that begin to shift your approach to life on a deeper level. When you view others as “them” rather than “we” it is easy to dismiss, ignore or even ridicule those outside your sphere of influence. If we are separated by a barrier, it takes effort to bring yourself to not only appreciate but understand their position.

Though they are separate cells in the body of God, we all share the same genetic heritage that encodes us to our Creator. It is like a return address on an envelope that will eventually draw us back to Source. Though disbursed far and wide, we still share the homing devices that link us back to the Creative force and in such are all brothers in the journey. The simple “we” acknowledges the kinship that we all share and removes the barriers that separate us.

Now we are not saying that you must condone, embrace, or share the beliefs and choices of another. They are reflections of the unique path they have chosen and the free will that is part of their guidance system. The “we” merely embraces the concept of mutual growth of all on the path. If you were to share with each other your true beliefs, feelings, and conclusions, it is safe to say that you would find more congruities than not. Though all share a path of discovery, there are enough disparate side routes that allow the accumulation of experience that enriches the understanding of the collective mind.

It is into that unlimited pool of knowledge that we share our visions, hopes, and conclusions. What do you wish to be your contribution to the time-capsule of humanity? What seeds do you wish to plant in God’s garden of knowledge that will bear fruit in future generations? The thoughts, dreams, and decisions you make today are being seeded into the fields for future harvest. What might you choose for your legacy to future generations of sojourners? If you were to return in a future lifetime, what buried treasure might you plant now that you know will be of value at a future date? How do you assure that the legacy you leave will have meaningful consequences far after you are gone?

The “we” of your speech is but a mere reflection of your commitment to the Oneness of humanity. At your deepest level, how do you view all of life? Are you part of the evolution that is taking place or do you believe yourself to be outside the gene pool of humanity? Time to examine your beliefs and see how they are playing out in your words and actions. What is your life saying about how you perceive the Oneness of all? What is causing you to embrace separateness? This is a big step on the scale of consciousness. Are you willing to make this leap of faith and embrace it in your life? We are waiting…


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