Wednesday, January 12, 2011


If you feel that something is about to happen in your life, it is indicative of the intention you have set into motion through your awareness. Nothing occurs by chance, but it is the result of a complex interweaving of thought, inspiration, karmic predisposition, intention, and timing. While not some magnificent script acted out on a celestial stage, there is nevertheless purpose and meaning in all that we do and feel.
If you were to remove all of the superficial reasons for thoughts and actions, you would see that this is a finely orchestrated morality play taking place where we are constantly being given the opportunity to reach higher and elevate our experiences to ones of greater meaning and understanding. The opportunities abound if only we are willing to look deeper and not settle for the “easy” or more dazzling.

Now this is not to say that our choices cannot be fun and dazzling to be uplifting. Frequently the result of growth and understanding is Joyous in its fulfillment. The true Joy comes when we Know that we are indeed on our “right” soul path and it feels wonderful. When we “get it”, it always feels right and good.

How we choose to navigate the stream of experience is in many ways the result of our attitude. If we go through life, letting life live us rather than supplying our own intention and direction, we will forever be at the mercy of circumstance and whimsy. Now this is not to say that we will not get the lessons we need. The soul is always the driver of our vehicle of awareness. Without intention and direction, you may have trouble putting the pieces together in understandable patterns to see the meaning and purpose of the events in your life.

At this time of resolutions, wouldn’t it make sense to think about the direction you are steering your life? What gives you Joy and a sense of purpose and meaning? What is merely drudgery or a way of marking time until your “true calling” manifests? How can a shift in attitude and a willingness to forgo any ego attachments to a cause or direction open new doors for exploration? What have you been putting off because the parts have not come together? Is there some way to begin afresh by dusting off a long held dream and incorporating this, at least part time, into your life?

The resolutions of this year may be the same ones you dust off every year or they may call you into exploring whole new areas of life. It is a time for course corrections and seeing clearly the paths and even missteps we have taken in the past and how we choose to redirect the process. What do you yearn to make your reality? How do you see this unfolding? What can you do to open the door to experience and let the fresh air of Joy into your life? It is a time of wondrous adventure that is unfolding in life. It is time to release the patterns that have not served in the past and to find new inspiration and momentum. If not now, when do you intend to welcome Joy into the mix? It is your choice. Choose well for the time is now…


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