Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When Push Comes to Shove

When things get tough, greater are the opportunities and the motivation for change. When we resist the road that seems the most perilous, we frequently find ourselves forced upon an even steeper path of understanding. The ability to face life square on, regardless of the challenges perceived, is frequently the road of understanding that will allow us to bypass the pitfalls that take us on disguised side routs and dead ends that will delay our journey. All paths lead to the same destination. It merely takes longer and is more painful to avoid the inevitable lessons of understanding.

That said, we would like to offer a few suggestions as to how you might transcend the difficulties you find yourselves enmeshed in. When push comes to shove, which seems to be the state of the world, the only thing that really matters is your ability to mirror and receive Love. All else is subject to impermanence and will inevitably be consumed in the inferno of expediency. It is the keepers in life that model the world you are creating with your perceptions. When shove becomes surrender and allow, it is frequently a light-bulb moment when the issues that surround the altercation turn out to be non-events of decreasing importance. The negative energy that sucks one deeper and deeper when the ultimate vision of Loving Awareness slips out of view can be transmuted instantaneously with the connection from the level of the heart and not the mind. When both parties can laugh at their differences and embrace the presence of the other as a mirror for growth, the walls and doors that separate the particles of the One are reformed into the plowshares of growth and understanding.

Too oftwn it is the ego that is the biggest obstacle to this. The whole concept of “saving face” is a miscreation of sovereignty run amuck. How different might be your experience if the alternative approach might be to open the doors and windows wide to reveal all the differing aspects of human interaction to the other. If we are the first to be able to laugh at ourselves, we will have an important lesson on peacemaking mastered in our life. If all were able to come together outside the illusions of the ego, how much more different might be the experience. If we do not take ourselves that seriously and allow the sprite of laughter to dissolve the cords that bind us to our misconceptions, there will be a movement toward the direction of Loving Awareness that will be hard to stifle.

Laughter is the great equalizer for if we are able to laugh at ourselves and our life situations we have won the battle of the heart without a shot being fired. To disarm another you must first seek to create a common point of understanding. Levity is the crack of the door that makes this possible. When we think of our adversary as separate from us and not part of our soul group of fellow entertainers, we overlook a most teachable moment of understanding. It is hard, is it not, to remain angry with someone who has humbled themselves before you and is willing to laugh at their own “shortcomings” first?

Laying down our arms in camaraderie to those we find inflexible and withholding is a great way to coax them to the table of negotiations. If all would find areas of agreement it will be far more difficult to wedge in blocks of discontent. Understanding begins with an open mind and a willingness to find connections of similar energy patterns. Time spent in getting to know your adversaries and partners in exchange is well spent in that areas of communality may be found that will give bridges to circumvent the roadblocks. Open your minds as well as your heart for these are companions that you have called to be your unflinching mirror that are leading you both higher on the spiritual journey.

Patterns of disharmony are being transmuted on all fronts by warriors who are wielding the new swords of Love and understanding with each other. Be willing to suspend judgment and listen to your adversaries if you wish to move past the impediments in your life and you will find doors opening that both can walk through together. It is time and we are waiting to welcome you home…


End Times

The end times as many call it are merely the cleanup operation of loose ends that prepare for the coming era of peace and purpose. While this still remains frightening to many since they do not know the form this will take, it is nevertheless the culmination of many eons of transformational work that has taken place on the earth plane. Though all have not made the leap for graduation of the entire class, enough are shifting their energetic bodies to carry along the stragglers until they can make the transition on their own.

That said, we would like to offer a few suggestions on how each of you might prepare for the turmoil of transition…

First, do not think that this will be an immediate change like a light switch moving from one dimension to the next. Though there will be events on a global level that will affect masses of people simultaneously, these will be the exception rather than the norm. You will have ample opportunity to move out of harms way if you choose to remain incarnate through the transition.

Second, this is not only a reordering of societies but a redistribution of resources that allow the earth to remain in balance. If you are to maintain this equilibrium, you might begin to think of ways that honor the needs of the many, rather than support the excesses of the few.

And thirdly, as priorities shift away from meeting the physical needs of changing societies, we would suggest that you concentrate on the spiritual understandings that will help reframe the groups that choose to surf the dimensional shift. This is not your father’s world any more and the things that have served in the past may no longer be valid in a society where the primary motivation is cooperation not competition. What can be done to restructure the connections of families, both nuclear and of choice so that the needs of the grouping are met on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels? This is the greatest change that is taking place. The challenges of supply and demand are minimal when weighed against the greater needs of the people for social change and restructuring.

As new communities are formed based on common interests and desires, you are being given opportunities to define the building blocks for life lived in partnership with others. The basis of all is reverting back to experiences based on love, compassion and growth. This may be a new experience for many who have been schooled in the obsolete vestiges of past experience. That is what we mean by shift. It is moving from a football field to a basketball court and deciding what equipment to take with you and what are the new rules of the game. Undoubtedly many skills will be required for reshaping life into new modes of expression.

We have said challenge but this is also a rare opportunity for growth and expansion. You have chosen to incarnate at a time of unprecedented possibility for spiritual growth and advancement. This has been a preparation through countless lifetimes for the opportunity of transformation on a global scale. Do not let the annoyances of the physical manifestation of the process distract you from the real process of inner work that is required. That is the proverbial forest for the trees than is taking place. With a shift in attitude, this is a grand adventure unfolding before you and you have a front row seat on the process if you are willing to step forth boldly, eyes wide open and become one with the process. Allow the grace of Knowing that you are held in the hand of God and that all that is taking place will not only support but exalt you to the extent that you surrender to the Oneness of life. These are seminal times and we ask that you release your hold on the past in order to become one with the fullness of the now which is transforming through you. It is now…


Communicating Your Truth

Communication between those of you incarnate is vital to the progression of not only the species but to the growth and understanding of the individuals involved in the earth school of spiritual growth. If one is unable to find a common ground of interaction, how is Oneness to be achieved? When one assumes to know the desires of the other heart, one negates the possibilities of interchange which would enhance the development of a common vision.

While surprises might be well intended, perhaps they are an attempt to impose one’s will or desires on the other without giving them the opportunity to contribute to the process. Before one moves unilaterally in assuming the at they know the desires of the other heart, perhaps it might be more honoring if time were spent in honest communication with the other in order to uncover the deeper longings and beliefs that are under the rug of complacency. It is often these deep seated hidden feelings of not being heard or acknowledged at a core level that eat away at the fabric of relationship over time, though on the surface the parties may feel that they are honoring each other .

In am effort to “make nice” we frequently do not honor our deep-seated beliefs and desires when they conflict with those of our partners in experience. The Divine Feminine has frequently taken a passive role in interchanges with the Divine Masculine in order to maintain peace in the process. At the same time, the Divine Masculine may find itself searching for clues of unexpressed desires in order to read between the lines of expressed thoughts and repressed ones. The time has come to clear the air and sit together in honest communication of desires and feelings so that all are able to work together in common purpose and expression.

Honoring the other is only meaningful and supportive if the “gift” offered is appreciated in return and not seen as another indication of the other’s will to be overcome. While the element of surprise may be lacking, the heart-felt gift of seeking out the true wishes and desires of the intended recipient of one’s gestures of service and submission will be appreciated far beyond the receipt of the gift. In this instance, the true gift is the one of honoring and sharing the secret wishes of the receiver, rather than the needs for expression of the giver. The underlying motives of both determine whether the interchange of energy has a positive or negative effect. A gift that feels more like a burden may not achieve the desired response.

How might the process be redirected so that the receiver feels honored, heard and seen at a deeper soul level? This can be easily accomplished through communication before initiating action in order to align desires with motives and deeds. Unwanted gifts, though well intended may turn into resentments if there is not an understanding between the parties. This can only be communicated by honest, revealing discussion where one hears and reflects back to the other true feelings, rather than just what the other wants to hear.

This is the challenge and the journey of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine coming together into Unity. When we lay aside the masks of the past and step out of the expectations and blinders society has placed upon us, we step into a rarefied space where our true selves are able to come together in the purity of Truth, seeing and appreciating each other for the unique expressions of the divine that we are. Let the unveiling begin…


Bleed Through

I stand transfixed in the realm of possibilities as the elements of truth swirl aimlessly around me waiting for the attraction that will bind them one to another in meaningful patterns of coalescence into form.

As veils thin in preparation for the dimensional shift there are a few anomalies we would like to point out that may seem out of the time/space continuum… As you know, you have been assembling inner Truths from your experiences from lifetime to lifetime. All of these are free-floating in bands of association with you and your soul mates and fellow sojourners. As you begin to move through this soup of possibility, you are attracting to you those particles of Truth that resonate with the bands of association and putting the pieces together that “make sense”, not to the rational mind necessarily, but in the overall spectrum of Truth.

We say this because at times things may seem out of sequence for the lifetime you are experiencing. It will seem as if this is your Truth, but it does not fit easily into the puzzle of association with the present but belongs to a completely different puzzle of time and space. This will be confusing to say the least as you attempt to catalogue and classify information in order to fit it into your organization of things you Know to be True. We ask you to become an observer of such anomalies, knowing that all is being accomplished in divine order and in the not too distant future, all will be revealed in greater clarity.

As for making sense of these seemingly random moments of out-of-sequence thoughts and deeds, we might say that you are attracting to you players who have been a part of previous dramas and experiences. When you begin to put together pieces around an idea or theme, it magnetizes the associated elements into attraction. The more of these pieces that fall into place, the stronger will be the energy field. As pieces begin to take form, there will inevitably be parts from other dimensions and lifetimes that will be attracted as well. Though they may seem to be out of time and space, you may wish to suspend judgment for they have a significant role to play in supplying relevant information that is not available in your current time frame.

This is how many scientific breakthroughs are seeded. The missing pieces that have seemed beyond reach in the present time frame suddenly appear in the mind/environment of the searcher without warning in order to complete the query. Missing pieces are discovered “under the rug” in order to tie up the loose ends of experience and move on .This is a time of completion and there are many such anomalies taking place in your world. You may find yourself moving out of paradigms that have entrapped you for many lifetimes because you have completed the coursework and thanks to your fellow students, you now have what you need to graduate to the next level. Well done.

No need to look back and relive the pieces of past experience. The elements of new life are in motion. It is time for shedding the exoskeleton of the old in order to prepare for the rebirth into the new. You will remain a bit tender at first as the maturing cells take time to coalesce but you are being reformed into magnificent bodies of Light energy, perfect for navigating the new energetic environment. All that is not of this vibratory field will seem foreign and stagnant. Your challenge will be to tread water in this energetic environment until others catch up and you can move forward in the new paradigm. Since time and space are illusionary, this will become apparent as you bond together with other souls and experiences that are forming the New Earth in the making. The bleed-through in time and space is merely an element in the new matrix of association that is coming together in the test tube of the universe of form. Your newly acquired vision is allowing you to visualize these building blocks of reality in greater clarity. Carry on…