Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Communicating Your Truth

Communication between those of you incarnate is vital to the progression of not only the species but to the growth and understanding of the individuals involved in the earth school of spiritual growth. If one is unable to find a common ground of interaction, how is Oneness to be achieved? When one assumes to know the desires of the other heart, one negates the possibilities of interchange which would enhance the development of a common vision.

While surprises might be well intended, perhaps they are an attempt to impose one’s will or desires on the other without giving them the opportunity to contribute to the process. Before one moves unilaterally in assuming the at they know the desires of the other heart, perhaps it might be more honoring if time were spent in honest communication with the other in order to uncover the deeper longings and beliefs that are under the rug of complacency. It is often these deep seated hidden feelings of not being heard or acknowledged at a core level that eat away at the fabric of relationship over time, though on the surface the parties may feel that they are honoring each other .

In am effort to “make nice” we frequently do not honor our deep-seated beliefs and desires when they conflict with those of our partners in experience. The Divine Feminine has frequently taken a passive role in interchanges with the Divine Masculine in order to maintain peace in the process. At the same time, the Divine Masculine may find itself searching for clues of unexpressed desires in order to read between the lines of expressed thoughts and repressed ones. The time has come to clear the air and sit together in honest communication of desires and feelings so that all are able to work together in common purpose and expression.

Honoring the other is only meaningful and supportive if the “gift” offered is appreciated in return and not seen as another indication of the other’s will to be overcome. While the element of surprise may be lacking, the heart-felt gift of seeking out the true wishes and desires of the intended recipient of one’s gestures of service and submission will be appreciated far beyond the receipt of the gift. In this instance, the true gift is the one of honoring and sharing the secret wishes of the receiver, rather than the needs for expression of the giver. The underlying motives of both determine whether the interchange of energy has a positive or negative effect. A gift that feels more like a burden may not achieve the desired response.

How might the process be redirected so that the receiver feels honored, heard and seen at a deeper soul level? This can be easily accomplished through communication before initiating action in order to align desires with motives and deeds. Unwanted gifts, though well intended may turn into resentments if there is not an understanding between the parties. This can only be communicated by honest, revealing discussion where one hears and reflects back to the other true feelings, rather than just what the other wants to hear.

This is the challenge and the journey of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine coming together into Unity. When we lay aside the masks of the past and step out of the expectations and blinders society has placed upon us, we step into a rarefied space where our true selves are able to come together in the purity of Truth, seeing and appreciating each other for the unique expressions of the divine that we are. Let the unveiling begin…


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