Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When Push Comes to Shove

When things get tough, greater are the opportunities and the motivation for change. When we resist the road that seems the most perilous, we frequently find ourselves forced upon an even steeper path of understanding. The ability to face life square on, regardless of the challenges perceived, is frequently the road of understanding that will allow us to bypass the pitfalls that take us on disguised side routs and dead ends that will delay our journey. All paths lead to the same destination. It merely takes longer and is more painful to avoid the inevitable lessons of understanding.

That said, we would like to offer a few suggestions as to how you might transcend the difficulties you find yourselves enmeshed in. When push comes to shove, which seems to be the state of the world, the only thing that really matters is your ability to mirror and receive Love. All else is subject to impermanence and will inevitably be consumed in the inferno of expediency. It is the keepers in life that model the world you are creating with your perceptions. When shove becomes surrender and allow, it is frequently a light-bulb moment when the issues that surround the altercation turn out to be non-events of decreasing importance. The negative energy that sucks one deeper and deeper when the ultimate vision of Loving Awareness slips out of view can be transmuted instantaneously with the connection from the level of the heart and not the mind. When both parties can laugh at their differences and embrace the presence of the other as a mirror for growth, the walls and doors that separate the particles of the One are reformed into the plowshares of growth and understanding.

Too oftwn it is the ego that is the biggest obstacle to this. The whole concept of “saving face” is a miscreation of sovereignty run amuck. How different might be your experience if the alternative approach might be to open the doors and windows wide to reveal all the differing aspects of human interaction to the other. If we are the first to be able to laugh at ourselves, we will have an important lesson on peacemaking mastered in our life. If all were able to come together outside the illusions of the ego, how much more different might be the experience. If we do not take ourselves that seriously and allow the sprite of laughter to dissolve the cords that bind us to our misconceptions, there will be a movement toward the direction of Loving Awareness that will be hard to stifle.

Laughter is the great equalizer for if we are able to laugh at ourselves and our life situations we have won the battle of the heart without a shot being fired. To disarm another you must first seek to create a common point of understanding. Levity is the crack of the door that makes this possible. When we think of our adversary as separate from us and not part of our soul group of fellow entertainers, we overlook a most teachable moment of understanding. It is hard, is it not, to remain angry with someone who has humbled themselves before you and is willing to laugh at their own “shortcomings” first?

Laying down our arms in camaraderie to those we find inflexible and withholding is a great way to coax them to the table of negotiations. If all would find areas of agreement it will be far more difficult to wedge in blocks of discontent. Understanding begins with an open mind and a willingness to find connections of similar energy patterns. Time spent in getting to know your adversaries and partners in exchange is well spent in that areas of communality may be found that will give bridges to circumvent the roadblocks. Open your minds as well as your heart for these are companions that you have called to be your unflinching mirror that are leading you both higher on the spiritual journey.

Patterns of disharmony are being transmuted on all fronts by warriors who are wielding the new swords of Love and understanding with each other. Be willing to suspend judgment and listen to your adversaries if you wish to move past the impediments in your life and you will find doors opening that both can walk through together. It is time and we are waiting to welcome you home…


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