Tuesday, August 2, 2011


As you sort through the choices in your life, we might suggest that your primary focus will be best served if you begin to consider which ones best resonate with the song of your heart. Deep within your being is a place where you feel attuned to the core frequency of Love. When life does not resonate with this frequency, there is discord that reverberates on a subtle energy level. You Know when something is out of tune. Whether you choose to overlook this internal tuning device or not is a matter of choice.
The ego is a master of disguise. If desire fueled by the static of the ego becomes loud enough, it can drown out the discordance reverberating from within. It is only when we remove the interference of the outer world and still ourselves in a meditative or attuned state that we are able to perceive the dissonance that is taking place.

Learning to listen on a subtle energy level is a learned, refined process. Being able to tune out the distractions of a world in turmoil is a technique that may take a lifetime to fully master. However, it will not likely be part of your tool box of discernment without practice during meditation and contemplation. It takes the stripping away of the superfluous of distraction to reveal the true vision of the divine trying to express itself in our lives.

As for how you might take this to the next step of Knowing, we have a few suggestions…

First we might recommend Knowing yourself. What are the things that define who you Know yourself to be? What characteristics or traits are part of your true nature? Your zodiacal chart is a clue or a pattern of resonance but what choices have you made that flesh out the personae of the You chosen to experience this lifetime?

Second when something clashes with this inner framework, it might be wise to examine why this is causing discord. Is there some deeper warning bell indicating that this is a path to be avoided? Or is it perhaps a gentle nudge from your soul that this is a course correction that needs to be made in life?

And third… What deeper lessons are to be learned from the experience of dissonance? Does this require a course correction on your part? Is it a process of bringing yourself in tune with the new paradigm and discarding old beliefs that are out of tune with the new and improved You? What is really going on on a less obvious level in this stage of life and what new lines might you need to learn to sing along?

Choices are never written in bold script but usually invisible ink that fades from view after decisions are made. You are called into finding resonance with the world around you. Much is transforming your world into a higher frequency of experience. You may wish to spend more time each day recalibrating not only your body, but your inner world to this frequency of change.

It has been said that the only thing constant in life is change and this is true in these times on earth. If you know water is rising, does it not make sense to learn to swim and float with the currents of growth? The willingness to let go of the illusions of control that keep you tethered to the past that are no longer viable is a valuable tool in this time of transition. It requires a surrender of massive proportions to break free from the flotsam and jetsam of past beliefs and flow freely with the currents of change. Such is the freedom of growth and expansion. You will soon find hospitable shores upon which to launch the new world. For now, be willing to flow on the crest of the tide and enjoy the ride. “You ain’t seen nothing yet”…


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