Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Opening the Mouth

The voice of woman is calling out to her sisters to speak up and be heard. The silencing of the feminine face and voice of divinity by the church and others afraid of the power of the feminine is drawing to an end. The wisdom of the earth mother is calling to her children to open their awareness and blend their voices together in a song of reason and hope.

You personally are finding that the suppression you have experienced in the past when you gave away your power is not working any more. The voice of the goddess within is screaming to come forth into her own magnificence. There is a pecking from inside the egg that will not be ignored.

As to how you might achieve this, we might have a few suggestions…

The truths of your wisdom are not to be denied. Just because something has not been “proven” by so-called rational means does not necessarily make it untrue.

The institutions of your world that have been born out of greed and manipulation of power are crumbling. Be willing to step up to the plate with new ideas that offer solutions that share power and understanding with those who have the skills to make the changes and those who have the higher vision to help chart the course.

This is a coming together into a synergy of Oneness. Be willing to stand up and point out the discrepancies in the present and what can be done to correct and reorder “business as usual”.

Be willing to suffer the assaults of your sisters who are cowering in their own weakness and unwilling to look past the illusions of the oppressors in fear and insecurity. Offer instead a hand up to your sisters in life and be willing to share on a heartfelt level your vision and commitment to shift the paradigm into mutually respectful and Loving ways.

Women are the strength and the hope for the future. We are here not only to teach Love but to hold the mirror so others may find their divine presence as well. This is a shared vision of wholeness that we see manifested in the circles of life, largely populated by women. If it takes a village to raise a child, surely it takes a circle of women to define and reshape the structures of society and bring them into divine resonance. This resonance includes the compliment of men and women working together to achieve Christ Consciousness. It is Unconditional Love made manifest.

We encourage all of you to bring your feminine expression into alignment with the divine principles in order to bring forth the compliment of the divine masculine into balance. This is the shift that is taking place that will facilitate the new paradigm. All else is just housekeeping. Create on…


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