Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Showing Up In Your Life

In evaluating the “keepers” in your life we have a few suggestions…

Certainly Joy is a key component. If something does not have an aspect of Joy associated with it, there is little likelihood that you will be motivated to stay the course. Certainly a sense of duty can override one’s motivation but that frequently brings in resentment as well which is counterproductive to the process. How much greater a motivator to the adventures of life is to be found if you a path that is Joyful as well as personal fulfilling. If Joy is there, so is Love.
Taking a higher road of achievement usually means that you are able to see past the inconveniences and distractions and focus on the greater meaning and lesson to be mastered in life. This takes practice. Unless you have tested a door, there is a good likelihood that you will not know if this is something you can open easily or you are best served by trying another. It is through our experiences and our observations of the experiences and findings of others that we learn how to navigate the narrow path to enlightenment. Both of these require a willingness to observe cause and affect in order to update our data banks. Becoming clear about motivations and desired results is necessary if one is to move consciously on an upward path.

Now this is not to say that one should not be ready for distractions that would necessitate a course correction. The road maps of life are full of detours that take one in a presumably new direction. However from the soul level, this could be just what was set in motion by the directive set in place in the beginning. Decisions made in the earth school call for constant recalibration to determine new avenues of exploration. Nothing is constant and it is the ebb and flow of the rapids of life that can pull you off course or accelerate your progress in new directions.
As to how you might wish to accomplish this we would also suggest that you learn to move with the flow but with greater emphasis on being the observer. It is attachments to outcomes that stall us for we are not able to see the greater picture that is unfolding.
Secondly, the people with whom we have drawn to us may not be the keepers who will be there for a lifetime but we do have things to share with each other. Begin to look objectively at your relationships. Are they helping or hindering your soul growth? What can you do to facilitate a greater understanding and acceptance of each other in Loving partnership? Or has this liaison served its purpose and it is now time to release the other in Love? The dance may be over but the partners are so engaged in the drama that they do not realize the music has stopped and it is time to move on.

Third, we encourage you to examine how you show up in your life and in that of others. Are you someone who has great integrity and can always be counted to be there for those to whom you have commitments? Do you usually have good intentions but frequently “chicken out” when the going gets rough or your fears keep you from fulfilling your promises? Or do you have trouble committing to the process altogether because illusions of life are stronger than a desire for growth and understanding? Understanding underlying patterns and motivations are the required step in making course corrections that give meaning and purpose to life.

How do you intend to go through life? Is this to be a random journey without purpose and direction or do you intend to climb higher out of the fog of indecision and insecurity? It is all about choice and the choices you are making will direct you either Home or again around the track until the journey is complete. Time to look deeper and find the path that coincides with your intentions and, if necessary, restate your intentions to find a different path. All will eventually end up Home but one is more difficult than the next. Choices, choices


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