Tuesday, August 30, 2011


It has been said that integrity is what you do when no one is looking. We might suggest that it is more than that. When one is acting in full integrity, one is listening to the song of their soul and what they Know to be in higher purpose, no matter what the illusions of the third-dimensional world and others are professing to be true. Truth is indeed dependent upon the level of the understanding of the experiencer and if one is operating in the lower levels of spiritual evolvement, they may well believe that they are acting in integrity because they have not embraced the higher truths.

As one moves closer and closer toward the goal, the course gets steeper and the rules are less forgiving. In the lower levels if one knows something on a cognitive level and fails to complete the lesson in integrity there is a small penalty and opportunities to revisit the lesson. At the higher levels of understanding there is less room for error and the penalties more severe. One is required to listen more intently so as to completely comprehend not only what is required, but how this will affect others that are part of the One. This journey is no longer solo and decisions must be made in light of the greater good, not just the individual experience. When one fails to measure up, the vibratory consequence will be felt by all participants, not just the one.

It comes down to levels of consciousness. Those who are experiencing life unconsciously are content to do whatever feels good and right to them with little concern for those around them. As one matures spiritually, there is an increasing connection to others on the path of greater understanding. As one nears the finish line, the small self becomes One with the whole and all decisions and outlooks are from the all inclusive view of Oneness.

So how do you get from here to there? We might suggest that it would be wise to examine your actions for the motivating factors. What is the underlying theme of the decisions in your life? How might you begin to shift your thinking to be more inclusive in your process to begin to create win-win scenarios?

Secondly we might suggest using the insight of others to reflect back to you how you really show up in the world as experienced by those around you. If they honestly reflect back to you something that you have been hiding from yourself or attempting to shove under the rug, perhaps the charade is not working and it is time to come clean to yourself and others and alter the direction of your life and your thinking.

Facades are only good until they begin to crumble. There is frequently a moment of vulnerability and exposure when the things we have used to hide our true selves from those around us as well as ourselves are revealed for what they are. The test of true friendship and Love is whether our partners in life are willing to stand by and help us rebuild shattered dreams and visions in light of the new reality.

Integrity also is showing up true to our word when and how we said we would no matter what the personal cost. Who do you know that can be counted on to be absolutely true to their word, no matter what, without excuses or explanations? Perhaps it is because they do not commit to more than they are prepared to deliver, regardless of the desires of others. How do you fall out of integrity in small ways that mushroom into major breaches of trust especially with those you care for most? Do we believe they are any less worthy of our absolute best, just because they care about us deeply?

Where in our lives have we failed to measure up to our word or our commitments 100% fully? How are we shortchanging ourselves and our Loved ones by not showing up 100%. What does our half-hearted behavior say to the world around us about how we are committed to Truth and Excellence? Who are you more likely to put your own trust in – one who has demonstrated 100% commitment and integrity of being true to their word or one who only shows up as committed 95% of the time?

Once lost, integrity is hard to redeem. If you value the emotional capital you have invested with others, doesn’t it make sense to safeguard it with a commitment to operating in 100% integrity at all times. You will find that the flow of life is simpler in the higher dimensions of understanding because all are committed to the conscious choice of enlightenment. Where do you stand as indicated by the level of commitment being demonstrated in your life? Moment of Truth…


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