Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Paradigm Shift

The gap between the awakened and the oblivious seems to be widening as the “time” gets nearer to the shift in dimensions. It appears that those who have drawn a line in the sand of consciousness have erected barriers beyond which they will not cross in this lifetime. So be it. For those that are searching for comfort and affirmation that they are held in the hands of God/Goddess of Light, there is reassurance of this magnificence. While the illusionary state that has created this schism is real to the extent that it is believed by many, in fact it is merely indicative that this is taking places in waves of ascension.

As for what this might look like in the material world, we might have a few suggestions…

First, do not look at major shifts in the paradigm as being detrimental. Growth frequently requires breaking through the seed coat of protection that has contained the growing bud.

Second. Allow for the possibilities of new life forms to emerge from the shielded tips of emergence. You may not recognize forms or structures of the new earth but it is Good and Godly.

Continue to let go of the trappings of life in the old paradigm fall away. Things that have served past models and patterns of life are no longer relevant in a universe based upon the paradigm of Love manifest in form.

And lastly, we might suggest that all is not as it appears. Things that seem off the chart rationally might come into clear focus if viewed through the new lenses of Oneness. Things that made no sense in a world of separateness and competition are finding new voice in the new paradigm. Perhaps this is the new norm of demonstration of magnificence being played out in the field of expanded awareness.

With any shift comes change. This does not always bode well for those lashed to past values and structures. This will be painful to watch but is necessary as the free-will of mankind is allowed to play out. We can only suggest that all have the options to move consciously into the light. If not now, when it makes sense, given the level of change they are willing to experience. One cannot drag others across the finish line; one must do that for themselves. All that is required is to offer a lifeline of your Truth and Understanding. It is up to the other to reach out for themselves.

This is a time of much turmoil and requires a clear vision and commitment to following one’s own inner Knowing rather than being swayed by the misperceptions of others. We are reminded of the admonition to put your own oxygen mask on first in order that you can be of assistance to others. This is the time to take such advice seriously. You are needed to step forward to the front of the wave of seekers for you have the road maps into the new paradigm. It is time to find your footing and ready your self physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually for the challenges ahead. All are One and the more this vision is welcomed and integrated into our being, the easier will be the transition into the new paradigm. Carry on…


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