Tuesday, September 27, 2011


In these times of stress and accountability we are called to be ever more mindfully into our communication with others. Are the words coming out of our mouths a true reflection of the situation at hand or merely and edited version of what we believe the other wants to hear? How willing are we to turn on the light of scrutiny to probe the deeper Truths that not only can bring us together but also tear us apart?

Back to those lessons of the ego… How fragile are our associations if we are unwilling to “fess up” and be responsible for the fallout from our actions? To what extent are we operating out of integrity by glossing over Truth in favor of harmony? What are the presumed consequences and benefits of coming clean and expressing our own shortcomings, misconceptions, and misgivings? Do the gains outweigh the losses in clearing the slate and beginning again from a position of honesty? Is “saving face” the greater virtue or is this trumped by the higher value of being seen as someone of Truth and integrity?

In order to feel safe in expressing total Truth, one must feel the other is receptive to the process. If the other is defensive or reactive, the Truth may be partially revealed in the guise of safety. Is it “safe” to operate behind a shield of partial Truth when ultimately disclosure will reveal this to be incomplete and misleading? How do we limit our experiencing the full Truth of others by the shields and reactions we use to prevent us from hearing the very things that can allow us to grow into our magnificence?

As for the tearing apart… If an association is built on partial truths or is fear-based, is it in the best interest of all concerned for it to crumble and perhaps be rebuilt in a higher form? If manipulation of others is the means you have used to create the “truth” you wish to perpetuate, how willing are you to let go of these old tools in order to create more conscious relationships and interactions? If transparency is to be the new modus operendi, how might you go about rebuilding the associations in your life to coincide with this new dynamic?

Consider a world where Knowing is all encompassing. There would be no second guessing those in your association because Truth would be the only language spoken. How does that differ from the world in which you currently reside? How do you intend to alter your perceptions and actions to create this new reality?

What if you made sure that all of your conversations with significant others were in a Loving, open, respectful, stress-free environment and not in tirades, text messages, or in passing? What if you were only to express Truths that you were confident of to a moral certainty and not a product of gossip or innuendo? What if all were to put the ego aside and share from deeper levels of the heart how things show up in our lives, our struggles, dilemmas, and conclusions? What if you were to engage the other in seeing the bigger picture together and welcome comments and criticism with equal warmth as praise?

You are being called into greater integrity with your associations, your words, and your actions. This is the transparency of the new paradigm.


1 comment:

  1. My partner and I are shifting towards this - but this puts it all together - thank you!!
