Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Frequency of Gratitude

Coming from gratitude in all that you do does indeed open the doors of manifestation. If you are immobilized by fear and trepidation at the things that bombard you in your life, perhaps it is worth doing a reality check on the things you have to be thankful for. How much can you summon forth in the way of appreciation which helps crowd out the feelings of lack and worthlessness?

Now this is more than just a pep talk from Spirit. When you immerse yourself in a sea of Love and Gratitude, you raise your vibrational frequency. Given that like attracts like, the things that vibrate at that higher frequency will be attracted to your sphere of influence. As in a jar of muddy water that is shaken, soon the elements of dark, dense matter will fall to the bottom, leaving a clearer, brighter field in the area of your residence. The more that you can continue to elevate your vibrational frequency with Love and Gratitude, the less you will be associated with the denser matter of doubt and fear.

In a world of chaos and uncertainty, the waters are constantly being muddied by the turbulence of the times. It behooves you to create your own world of calmness in order for the clarity to reveal itself. Very little requires immediate attention. If you are able to sit with a situation and allow the denser options to fall away, you have a better opportunity for clarity to emerge. As with the muddy water, soon all will be revealed so that the appropriate action may be taken.

In this time of very muddy water, things are being shaken up to a great extent. This is beneficial for it is allowing ideas and situations that have long operated under the cover of darkness to be revealed to the light. Those operating close to the top in clarity are able to discern the patterns and subterfuges which is the requirement for change to occur. The deep agitation that has brought this to the surface is only the instigating cause. It takes the calm, analysis in the less turbulent waters to begin to see the solutions and opportunities that will allow the disruptions to fall away. Only then, when the primary quest for survival is accomplished, will those that have come through the turbulence be ready to address their higher vibrational needs.

It is with those that have risen beyond the turbulence of society into a higher vibrational frequency that the real change that will transform the planet is taking place. These are the ones who are forming the new paradigm where those of a rising vibration will find refuge. This is where the growth and awareness is leading. The inner turmoil is propelling your species forth at an accelerated rate. While it may feel that things are out of control - control is only an illusion. When one cuts oneself free from the limitations of a chaotic world and surrenders to the oneness of creation then true miracles will occur.

It is in this clear, environment at the higher vibrational frequency of clarity and oneness that all come together in the frequency of Light, Love, and Gratitude. By immersing yourself in that frequency, you attract to you all of a similar vibration and life becomes brilliant. Time to don the sunshades until you adjust… Carry on


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