Sunday, November 13, 2011

Welcome to the Dance

In evaluating the things that call forth your focus it might be wise to look deeper at the far-reaching implications of your choices. First there is the immediate benefit/gain that you will receive which usually gratifies some aspect of the ego. This is what draws you into the encounter. If, however, you are able to step far enough back from the situation to see clearly the deeper and more expansive possibilities that this opportunity for growth and understanding presents, it is possible to take even “chance” encounters up a notch and to glean valuable lessons in Truth and understanding.
If you were to think of your life as a dance with varying partners vying for your attention, then perhaps you might begin to see more clearly the possibilities unfolding before you. There are partners that provide a momentary spark of excitement but who then vanish into the background as well as those who return again and again to share the intimacy of association. The themes in your life in an incarnation undoubtedly could be likened to the background music that keeps the action moving. How you move through life in step with those swirling around you might be thought of as the path or ray you have chosen for this incarnation. Different frequencies of movement attune to different background themes in the dance of life. You may be more comfortable dancing to one certain style of music but at other times you are being summoned forth to learn new steps and attune to different tempos.

The music is being stepped up a notch as we move into higher frequencies. This is a time of discernment but also adjustment. Higher frequencies call us into greater attention as we learn the new steps of life. It is not easy, but that is only because it is new and untried. As all adjust, there will soon be times when you will have mastered the nuances of the dance and will glide in concert with the divine.

Be willing to engage with others who have stepped onto the floor as well for they are finding their part in the new choreography and not sitting on the sidelines waiting for the music to move back into something more familiar. This is not likely to happen and soon they will be unable to join in for the frequency will have taken the participants into a higher dimension. The acceleration of energy is a natural separation of the committed and the hesitant. All who step forward and join in will be able to take masters classes in the dance of life. Those on the sidelines will miss a golden opportunity to be part of this wave of ascension.

While the swirling energies of change are separating the dancers from the observers, there is still time to step forward and become one with the dance of life. Those on the fringes of the circle are offering outstretched hands, beckoning you to move forward and become part of the One. It is only your own fears that are holding you back. Are you committed to the process of growth and understanding or do you doubt your own worthiness to step forth? It is all choices. When do you think you will be ready to join in? Baby steps may not get you any where but into the turbulence at the edges. This requires bold moves of commitment that will take you closer past the swirling energies of change in order to be part of the peace in the eye of the storm.

The dance of commitment is calling you forth. Where do you wish to plant your next steps in order to engage in life? It is time to either be a participant in the process or sit this one out. Choose your partners – the dance has begun…


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