Sunday, November 13, 2011


When you begin to interact with others in a conscious way, it is important that you be crystal clear with your message but also your motivation. There is an energy associated with communication and if the underlying tone is one of resentment or manipulation it will be felt by the receiver and skew the communication. In the new era of truth and clarity, it is one of the areas that will require the greatest adjustment for many.
When you interact with those in your sphere of influence, you may have developed a pattern of holding back the things you believe to be true until you feel a modicum of trust developing. It is not always advisable to lay all of your cards on the table for everyone because it may be more information than they are willing or able to process at that time. We are speaking rather that with those that you share intimate relationships with, there should be no hidden agendas or subterfuge. No one should have to make assumptions as to the intentions or motivations of their partners in life because all are united in process and destination. If all are working together in Oneness, there may be different pieces to the action, but there is a common goal that is being approached.

That said, it is a journey that is fraught with many convolutions as all begin to come into resonance with the Oneness of creation. It is most often the illusions of the ego that prevent our seeing clearly the common threads that unite us. Taking time to step back and view a situation in wisdom and clarity allows all to adjust their perspective in order to create a common vision together. By seeing past the actions and reactions of others and sensing the deeper needs and motivations of their actions, one is able to dissolve the resentments and disharmony that the actions are bringing to our attention.

Few in this time of transformation act with malice. It is rather our personal insecurities and areas we have yet to resolve within our own growth process that are brought to the surface for healing. It is within the safety of those that know and Love us best that we feel the freedom to allow our innermost challenges to be revealed. That is the blessing of openness for it allows us to strengthen our bonds of closeness as we come together and share the process of life.

Rather than lashing out or reacting negatively when one reveals their vulnerable underbelly to us, warts and all, how much more helpful might it be if we were to expose our own vulnerabilities as well and together examine the things we wish to transmute together. We may not be our brother/sister’s keeper, but we are certainly mirrors to each other in the process of life. How we show up in the lives of our friends and acquaintances is the opportunity we have to transform ourselves as well as those around us in the process.

If we are willing to step back and examine what these moments of conflict are telling us about where we need to focus our attention in life, we will find innumerable opportunities for growth and transformation. Be thankful for those you have called into your intimate partnerships for they are your handmaidens to growth and understanding…Namaste,


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