Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Join Hands

The close of the era of conflict is seeing many vestiges of the past fall away and implode. This is merely birthing pains of the new world of possibilities. Until there is a leveling of the playing field with all obstacles to growth and awareness removed, there will be little room for the new. That is what we wish to speak of today.

In transcending into a higher vibrational experience, there are many things that will be left behind. This is as it should be for there needs to be a revisioning of the future given the lessons of the past. You know the pitfalls, traps and illusions. Now is the time to put into play the lessons of past experience and to build upon this in order to begin anew. Now this may sound like more of the same but in fact, we would like to make a few suggestions that might form a new route of inquiry…

What if in your new world there were no boundaries that separate one from another? No physical limitations, cultural, geographic, or beliefs? What if all were differentiated aspects of the One but with different cellular makeup that was designed to fit together seamlessly in the body of the One? Perhaps this is the new reality…

What if instead of life being a struggle to overcome obstacles in the path, it became a downhill course to be navigated, over and around moguls of experience that merely made the run interesting? What if at the finish line all were waiting, cheering each other onward into enfolding arms of Love? This is the new reality, waiting to be embraced .Gone are the conflicts that are precipitated by outmoded illusions of fear and negativity. In the new world of experience there is not only a common vision of Loving awareness but a commitment to assist each other in removing the scales from each others eyes in order to see more clearly the miraculous change that has taken place.

We say change because this is a radically different approach to life that will leave many disoriented. That is where you come in. As the forward troops of ascension and transformation there is a need for guides and way-showers for those who are new to the process. What if each was to take another by the hand and introduce them to the possibilities of change and understanding at a higher level? Few would turn down such an invitation if they knew that beside them was a champion who would catch them should they stumble and see that they were headed in the right direction. This by no means alleviates the personal responsibility you have for your own decisions and actions, but it is a service you are providing to others around you who may not be as sure-footed on this rocky climb.

This is not a solitary journey and the more those fellow sojourners can join hands on the upward climb, the easier will become the transition. When two or more are gathered together and joined at the heart there is God and Light amongst them and all is well. Envision all in not a freefall but an ascent linking hands and forming a circle of Loving energy that will transcend the illusions of a world gone mad. This is the greater reality that is coming into form. All is well and the vision intact. All is Love…


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