Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The fervent adhering to the present is giving way to the freedom and transforming effects of living in a space, devoid of time. As all is in motion, there are many things in life that do not seem to be in sync with the time/space continuum. While not exactly “future shock” it is a time when many vestiges of the world do not seem in harmony with the present “time”.

As to what this might mean to you, we would suggest that you begin to think in terms of a timeless existence. If there is no time, how might this affect the world in which you live? If there is only the present, how might you alter your perception to coincide with that reality? What things in your life are time-sensitive and will have to be reworked? How does long-term planning figure into this new paradigm of a timeless universe? If there is only now, how does the concept of age fit into the equation? If you were to do away with the concept of age, how would you perceive a person, given their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual condition at this moment? What relation does time have to the state of affairs of the world and those around you? These are some of the dynamics of an ageless/timeless world.

If each moment is all that is, how significant should be the choices you make? If you knew that the sum total of your life was contingent upon how you showed up in life, this very second, how might you alter your behavior? Would you be more caring, compassionate, Loving? Would you have more concern for the welfare of others and less for your seemingly insignificant dramas that are playing out in your life? Might it be easier to see the larger picture unfolding of individuated souls moving together as one in the body of God? Living in the present means that all that exists is this moment in time and how you choose to reflect the image of God in it.

Does anything in your life, experience and actions seem tarnished in this light of understanding? What is relevant to the expression of your Godself and what fails to reflect that presence? This is an opportunity to “clean up your act” just for this moment and to become your Christed Self, just for this moment... and then the next…and then the next… It is one day at a time under a microscope of Now, ever unfolding.

If there were only Now, how might you choose to experience your life different, beyond the constraints of time? How many things in your existence are time-dated? Do you put off things, experiences, to a future time when things might be different? How might you create those preferable conditions to the Now or alter expectations or requirements to enrich the present with the joys you are postponing? If there is only the present, how will choosing to make it filled with Joy and happiness change your perspective? If you choose to perceive something as Joyous, how can it be anything other? If all you can ultimately control is your attitude, how does altering your precipitations, change your reality? This is perception expanded to a global scale if all were to choose to release limitations and expectations and live in the moment of the Now.

What is there to fear if you know and believe you are Loved in the present? If you choose to make this your reality, being and radiating Love to all you are sharing each moment becomes the condition of your life, no matter what the external circumstances. Love is magnified as it is reflected to each other and is the timeless reality for those that choose to see and be it. All else is window dressing.

Begin to live in a timeless reality and you will free yourself of the need to punch the time clock of expectations. Expectations, requirements, and regrets are reigns that tie you to past and future outcomes. In a timeless world, the only thing that exists and is worthy of consideration is our actions in this moment. If we are able to balance on this point of time and space in the brilliance of our God-self, this will be the reality we create in the timeless world of Now. Become that radiant spec of Light right Now and that becomes your new reality. Love on…


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