Sunday, November 13, 2011


You may think that you are in a holding pattern of life but in fact you are on the leading edge, which means that you see only open sky and not the countless behind you waiting to take off. As part of the advance troops of ascension, it may feel like you are lost in a sea of nothingness but in fact this is a time of readying yourselves for the mission ahead. We say mission, because this is divinely orchestrated and not subject to the whims of chance. Rest assured that you are in the perfect position to take off in higher purpose. All is well.

The infinite number of encounters you have in a lifetime help form the image of who you believe yourself to be and what you believe the world around you to contain. All is illusion but there for your ultimate growth and understanding. As you move into an altered space of “time, space and dimension”, we have a few things you may wish to consider in your processing of “facts” and images.

First we might suggest that all is perfect and going according to plan for your desired growth and understanding. That said, there are directions you may wish to take in order to circumvent many of the roadblocks placed in your path. While nothing is set in stone and you are subject to the options offered by free will, some of the routes are rockier than others.

Second, we would suggest that the flight routes of the migratory patterns of ascension are being programmed into the guidance systems of those ready to ascend into higher dimensions. The programming from the soul level is stepping to the forefront of consciousness in preparation for the shifting of dimensional frequencies. Your inner guidance is receiving strong directional impulses that are allowing you to tune into higher frequencies of consciousness.

Third, while there are no wrong choices in life, many are dragging their feet when it comes to stepping aboard the transformational highway of understanding. It takes a commitment to stay the course of attunement and committing to stay tuned to that higher frequency during the course of daily life that allows one to transcend the lower frequency chatter of “life as usual” and to migrate to the higher dimension of experience.

The migration that is taking place is relocation from frequency bands in the lower dimensions into higher forms of being. When all that is taking place around you seems to be in slow motion, heavy, and out of sync with what you Know to be in resonance with your inner Truth then it may be time to dial up your level of experience accordingly.

Where and with whom do you feel greater resonance? What is calling you at a soul level to come into being, even though there may be no “logical” explanation for the calling? Do you feel that you are living in someone else’s clothes, a life that is not in resonance with the true person you are meant to be? If so, perhaps it is time to join with others who are hearing the same siren call and are returning to their Home elsewhere.

The migration that is taking place is not just a dimensional shift, but a frequency change within the cellular body as well. Just as environments may feel out of sync, so may the habits and lifestyles of our previous existence. Things that have nourished you in the past may no longer feed your soul and are been traded in for things and people who feel more nourishing. There may be a feeling of wanting to cram everything in sight in preparation for the journey ahead but this is not necessary. What is not entirely evident yet is that this is a group effort and those beside you are preparing as well and will help bring the provisions all require for the journey.

While the sky may seem limitless and the road markers few, we encourage you to let go of these previous signs of achievement and direction for they are no longer relevant. As you assume the forward position in the formation of migration, you can see only the possibilities ahead, and not the countless others who have your back and will fall into formation once you have stepped into the unknown of possibilities. Be aware also that this is not a solo process and there are others who can move forward and spell you for a time in the forefront of transformation. The bonding together in the common pursuit creates an updraft of inspiration that helps give new impetus to the stragglers that are struggling in the back.

There is a process that is taking place around the globe that is calling to many to find their own center and resources in order to move into the higher frequency of Light energy. The call of the masters is being heard in a cacophony of languages, welcoming Home all who are willing to lay down their swords and find reason to surrender to each other in Love. The inner clock is ticking loudly, motivating all of look deeper and awaken the sound within that invites us to the chorus of Life. Hear your own voice resonating with the frequency of life that is inspiration the migration of Now. It is time…


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