Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11-11-11 The Portals

The mysteries of life can all be solved by finding the codex of Love. Any question, no matter how obscure, will ultimately lead to its unravelment and reformation in the vibration of Love. It is the substance from which the universe has formed and to which all will return. All else is process and necessary to get to this basic understanding.
The portal that you have just entered through the doorway of 11-11-11 is merely one rung higher on the ladder of self-realization. For most, the time passed uneventfully. However for others, there has been a shift, depending upon their level of awareness. This is a shifting of not only purpose but commitment to move higher and deeper into the mysteries of life and how we perceive our world and our place within it. Many on the path are in the process of attuning themselves to the higher energies of growth and awareness. It is a time of preparation for the graduation of many lifetimes.

Those in the realm of consciousness recognize that we are past the point of procrastination and it is time to confront the obstacles in our path in earnest in order to clear the way for our ascent.

This is a time of renewal of not only purpose but commitment. The first portal of 11 was the allowing of past lessons and experiences to dissolve in importance and become part of the building blocks of the present. Those lessons are the elementary school of life and have allowed you to become the presence you are today. Lessons well learned - time to move on…

The second portal of 11 is the life you are creating with your intentions and commitment. This is a new beginning, full of promise and wonder. What do you intend to create today, this moment that is of the new energy of growth and awareness? How will you use this moment to become the embodiment of all you aspire to and realize to be in the highest and best good of all concerned? What does this look like today, in this moment? What exquisite creation are you manifesting through your beliefs and commitments that is creating the love-based planet of your dreams? How are you reforming your life that is plying out in this moment of clarity right now?

We might suggest that you envision yourself in a bubble of light, in the world but not quite of it. As you glide amongst the other sojourners you will be able to merge with the energy fields of others so encapsulated and adhere to many in similar bubbles of phospheresance around you. As you float together in the world of form, there is no need to ground yourselves in the harsh “realities” others have accepted as “real” for themselves. Your reality is in the lightness and mobility of the world of Light within your bubble of life. Though somewhat isolated, it allows you to observe “life as usual” without buying into the darkness and fear that are endmic in the so-called “real world”. You are creating your own reality in the present and it is far different from the world you left behind.

The third portal of 11’s is the one of the divine. As you float beyond the confines of the third-dimensional existence, we might suggest that all is not as it seems. Illusions keep others grounded in that reality but you have new eyes with which to perceive the future and all that that entails. The dissatisfaction with the insanities of the past are causing untold numbers to move away from that stream of consciousness and to place new ways of being in the Petri dish of life. These are germinating as we speak and soon will begin to take form in society. As conflict begets growth, discontent is begetting change. All are becoming aware of the insanity in their lives and reformulating and revisioning a new path of togetherness. The shifts are not easy but necessary. The remaining vestiges of a world in chaos are slowly sinking beneath the horizon, giving way for the new forms of existence to emerge.

The portals of 11-11-11 have opened many doors of understanding and awareness. This is a time of movement and tremendous growth. Be willing to embrace all the facets of change and you will find that the anchor of complacency will be set free and your emergence will be into a new world of joy and Love abounding. It is so and it is now. Enjoy…


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