Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Get Used to It

The feelings of helplessness to come to terms with the challenges of life in your third-dimensional existence are being supplanted with visions of possibilities and promise. While all have not “hit bottom” yet, there are many who have put on the breaks and said “enough is enough” and they are not willing to do this any more. Along with the realization that the status quo is no longer tolerable comes a greater realization that perhaps there is something that you can do to direct life in a more positive manner. If this is not working for you, it behooves you to try looking at life from a different angle in order to see things differently.

If for instance, those in your life that you have significant relationships with seem to be having trouble with the way you are conducting your life, perhaps it is time to step back and see what areas are causing friction. It may be hard to realize that perhaps decisions you made at some point in your life are no longer valid and, given current circumstances, perhaps it is time to reorder your priorities. Keeping a constant focus despite a changing environment and atmosphere may not be your best way of surfing the dimensional shift. The old rules and playing field may have changed while you were on autopilot and now it is up to you to find new ways of dealing with the challenges of life.

Not only have playing fields changed but motivation and purpose. If you were suddenly transported from a world of clearly defined cause and affect into one where not only new rules but need business models are in play, you might be having a similar experience in adjusting. Get used to it. This is the new norm.

The best chance for gliding effortlessly through life is to let go of preconceived notions of reality. It will be more difficult to manipulate the system if it is changing in flight. Those who have held tightly to outdated processes and structures thinking they can outwit the system they have been able to manipulate will be in for a rude awakening as the playing field is morphing into something that might feel like it is made of Jell-O. The only way you will be able to move gracefully through the flow is by setting your heading on the highest and best good for all concerned and letting nature take its course. The revelations of life will move into place in order to accomplish the stated mission to the extent that you are able to get out of your own way in the process. The more you put constraints by trying to orchestrate life to conform to a personal agenda, the more turbulent will be the journey.

As for what you might expect in the coming weeks…We might suggest that things will not seem easy unless you allow yourselves to free-flow with life. There is much turbulence that can blow you off course if you become entangled with the appearance of “disaster”. This is only an interpretation of the events at hand. You might instead prefer to think of much of the turmoil as transformative and necessary reshuffling in order to achieve and birth new forms of life in transition. “Safety” will be secured by those that surrender all in order to grasp the new world with both hands. Clinging to past lives and future possibilities prevents the free-flow of possibilities to emerge.
The events of change are meaningless and should be allowed to drift in and out of life without concern or comment. The concerns should be on how one is able to flow with the possibilities and find the silver linings in each transition. This is a new life unfolding in Joy and wonderment. Do not drag the process down with fear and trepidation. All is good. All is God. And so it is…Blessings, I AM

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