Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hang Loose

The relief you experience when you begin to emerge from the fog of illusion will be magnified tenfold when you are able to extricate yourself entirely from the fog of separatism. All who are making this adjustment are reforming into societies that no longer buy into the message of “us against them”. So were does one go to find such enlightened communities?
The desert southwest including the four corners region of Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico are some. The pacific northwest, down into the Mt Shasta region of California, and isolated pockets throughout the rest of the US as well. There are pockets of awareness around the world where the call has gone out and people are waking up en mass. As to whether they are willing to put this new-found knowledge to use is another thing entirely.

You have heard the expression “You can run but you cannot hide”. This is especially true in these difficult times of transformation. There is no one who will be unaffected by the shift in dimensions. Those that cling desparately to past realities and structures will be in for the rudest of awakenings. Those who realize the futility of the struggle and are opening themselves to new challenges and new possibilities will have an easier time and will find the journey breathtaking and transformative.

Preparation, as we have said many times, involves getting your internal ship in order. While emergency equipment and supplies might be helpful in weathering the minor inconveniences of the temporal world, the main provisions need to be on an internal level Acceptance and gratitude will go a long way in weathering whatever storms, both literally and figurative cross your path. Look for continued disruption on the weather front as poles, planets andcomets do their dance of recalibration. None will be immune to the fury of a world turned on its ear but survival is a choice that is to be made on a conscious level. Those that have agreed to weather the storms and help rebuild in the new paradigm will have clear direction and resources to make it happen. This may not look like your fathers world but that is exactly the point - different priorities and awareness, different solutions.

The byword for this time of flux is “hang loose”. When all is shifting around you it pays to allow yourself to flow with the tide of awareness and not to strike out unprepared into unknown waters. We might suggest that it would also be helpful to gather together those who will be making the transition together. No preparation necessary just check in frequently to assure that spirits are high and that all are on board. Baggage should be stowed and whittled down for little will be required for the journey of spirit. Again we say Hang Loose.

As for what you might be doing to prepare we might suggest honing your skills in self sufficiency. Rebuilding requires skills personally but also the ability to work together in common achievement. It will require many diverse patterns and partners working together to solve the challenges of a new world. Learn to work harmoniously with others in a collective and to find consensus by truly listening to the voice of the other rather than making sure your voice is heard and acknowledged. This is one of the most highly valued skills you can develop in rebuilding communities. If “The meek shall inherit the earth” then perhaps it would be wise to listen to the soft voices of the introspective who are able to set aside the rabble and the chaos and go within for their clear, true wisdom. The boisterous will be seen for the inflated egos they represent and truly those with ears to hear will be the one who will be able to use their “night vision goggles” of understanding and see through the dark times ahead. This is a new world in formation. Be aware that the birthing, while painful, will bring forth a magnificence of Truth and Understanding unknown to these worlds before. Time to just Hang Loose…


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