Tuesday, August 23, 2011


You may wish to think of intuition as an inner Knowing that bypasses the doors of reason and logic. You just Know something to be true, without knowing how you know it. It is as if the information were “dropped into” your awareness. As to what you do with this, that is contingent upon how you are able to receive this gift and apply it in your life.

Many “inventions” are merely a case of remembering things locked within your cellular memory. The same can be said for savants or prodigies. This is something that they came in with that has been freed to surface in their awareness.

Intuition can also be a case of removing obstacles of belief that alloy one to fish in the stream of consciousness of All That Is. Once you allow yourself access to the vaults of Knowledge, there is no limit to the realms that may be visited. Your key to knowledge is self-imposed and self- governed by the extent of your reach. Those who have let go of fears that limit their perceptions are more likely to find many open doors with which to find access.

As to how you might weld this ungainly instrument of Truth, we do have a few suggestions:

First, it would be wise to not share all you know to be True, without first making sure others are willing to hear. This willingness is ultimately contingent upon how far out on the limb of possibilities one is willing to go before they hear a crack. It is better to remain in the position of a silent observer until that can be established.

Second, knowledge is power, no matter how it is obtained. Just because something has yet to be proven scientifically does not mean that it is untrue. The truly powerful are those who are all-knowing but resist the temptation to jump in and apply force without ascertaining the results of their actions. Withholding truth until there is an appropriate time and place for the application of such wisdom may be the highest use of the gift of Intuition.

Third, it is wise to realize that all may not be ready for an unedited revelation of Truth. The brilliance of divine wisdom may be unfathomable to some because they may not have done the ground work necessary to prepare themselves for the unveiling. Unless there is a logical progression where one is able to see past the step by step movement to a logical conclusion, few will be willing to take the leap of faith to step out in thin air of believing without “proof”.

Those who are likely to support and embrace an unknown Truth are usually those who either know the person expressing to be Truthful without question, or have had similar revelations themselves but are unwilling to admit it without confirmation. More often it is the case of skepticism until proven otherwise.

Those that are adamant about not accepting anything that comes under the heading intuitive thought are usually those who fear their own inner wisdom and are unable to step into their own revelation of Truth. Without the crutch of other’s confirmation, nothing is real to them. There is a lack of trust in their own inner wisdom that prevents their seeing past the illusions of others and discovering their own inner Truth.

Blind adherence to a guru, teacher or other authority figure is one way of tuning down the still small voice within that whispers your inner Truth. As long as you are looking outside for your answers, you will be unable to hear the voice of intuition, whispering within.

There is a vast wellspring connected to the flow of all Truth and Knowledge once you are willing to wade in fearlessly to the stream of intuition. The deeper you go and navigate the waters of knowledge, the more you will develop the confidence to move in concert with Truth as revealed through your intuition. Baby steps until you learn to swim. Let go…

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