Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Living Christ Consciousness

If your intention is to raise your energetic vibration to the level of Christ Consciousness in this lifetime we might make a few suggestions.
1.   Forget all that has been told you and begin with a fresh slate.
2.   Learn, teach, and demonstrate only Love in your life.
3.  Let go of all attachments to things of a temporal nature. This is not to say that one must live in poverty and self-denial – only that you let go of the emotional bonds that connect you to the material world.
4.  Be there for each other.  You are your brother/sisters keeper for you have the key to their heart. Without judging their actions, how can you assist them in the most Loving way to reach their own Christed potential?
5.  Honor your Earth Mother. If one is to honor and respect one’s self, one must first come into resonance with the environment in which one resides. This is the birthing chamber of the Divine and without the incubator of a nurturing, healthy Terra Firma, all life will cease to exist. Honor both your Father/Creator and your Mother/Earth.
6.  All work is holy if it is done in a holy way.  Whatever you do – do it with great Joy and Love. No pebble is more brilliant in the mosaic of life and all must fit together for the masterpiece to emerge.
7. Surround all that you are and all that you do in a cloak of Gratitude. This is the vibration that smooths the path to manifestation. It completes the circle of Love expressed.
8. Allow time each day to honor your need for refreshment to reconnect with Source. Without recharging of the spiritual batteries, one will soon deplete one’s energies and motivation, given the negative drag of the world in which you live.
9.  Give back of the abundance you have been given. The flow of energy in your life is regulated to the extent that you allow the energy to flow through you into the world without blockage.
10. Make a joyful noise - sing, speak, and communicate your Joy with others so that all may be uplifted in the symphony of life.
11.  Know that you are carried in the hand of God and all is good.
12.  Be LOVE.

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