Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Moving into a Higher Frequency

In the event of global transformation to a new, Lighter reality, what might you expect to be the new norm? Do those who currently share your space also share the energetic vibration and understanding which would mean that they will probably be in the same wave frequency as well? Who in your energetic environment resonates at a similar frequency and is likely to self-select in the transformation that is taking place.  Who might you begin to explore options with that is clearly moving on the same energetic highway and you can envision being part of the new wave you are forming?
While you may not know the purpose of your association, who seems to possess the skills and knowledge that fill in the blank spaces in your own? Who have you shared lessons in this and previous lifetimes that indicate an on-going pattern of growth and understanding between you? Have you completed coursework together or is there still “unfinished business” that is calling to be finished? This is a time for wrapping up loose ends and empting refuse bins in order to make way for the new.

As for those who have readied themselves and cleared the slate for the new journey Home, What themes have resurfaced in this and previous lifetimes that have played out in life.  Do you understand the messages hidden beneath the surface that have led you on the deeper journey within? Are there any untapped resources or talents calling to be revealed or uncovered? Any deeply felt longings yearning to be expressed? These soul messages are reminding you that this is the time to finish the masterpiece of your life so that you may move into a new art form.

As for what that might look like in the new paradigm…we might suggest that you:

1.  Forget everything you know or presume about the present.

2.  Know that the seeds you plant now will emerge in the spring of the new world.

3.  The more you let go and surrender the trappings of your third-dimensional life of struggle, the easier it will be to soar off the cliff of possibilities.

4.   All is not as it seems. Envision many dimensions occupying the same space and time. What if each frequency was like a gel of a different color sandwiched together? What would happen if each were peeled apart and allowed to float in separation so that only those around you were vibrating at your same frequency?  How might you adjust your vibrational frequency so that you are in alignment and harmony with those of a desired band width?

5.  As the frequencies differentiate, you will find the octave with which you resonate.  If all around you have a similar basic motivation, understanding and commitment, how might this play out as you begin to reassemble the pebbles in the mosaic of that frequency?

6.  If all are committed to the quest of planting a seed of Loving awareness, how might this play out in creating the new garden of possibilities.

We ask only that you begin to consider the possibilities and envision how this might be accomplished. The more who are committed to a different, Lighter, more Love oriented world, the greater will be the probability that you will find yourself as part of that creation. Those who continue to become bogged down in the “realities” of the present will continue to perpetuate this reality. If you wish change, you must become the change you wish to create. That is the NEW reality. The illusion of the past is just that. All is a hologram of beliefs and ideas. Which reality do you wish to merge with? Choose Love…


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