Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Thinking, while necessary, is one of the least reliable of your senses because it is most subject to skewing by the ego.  If you think something to be so, given the strong input from your mental self, you might be wise to step back into a neutral position and evaluate whether this is your higher-self speaking. Does it vibrate at a high frequency of measurement? Is it Loving in inference in that it honors the highest potential of all concerned? Does it reflect a neediness or wistfulness that obscures the truth about your experience or merely ego-fed desires? If not, perhaps this needs to be re-thought.

When you lead with your head, rather than your heart, you run the risk of alienating those around you, but more importantly, losing your way in the fog of insecurity.  If you believe something to be true because you think you know something to be logically true, you may be in for a rude awakening when you find out what is really behind the curtain of life and all has been an illusion to help you learn the more difficult lessons of the heart.

Life is never all that it seems on the surface. It is the subtle nuances of the currents beneath the surface that are the truest indicators of the real meaning at hand that we often miss.  How often have you had a “gut feeling” that something was amiss in the drama that was playing out around you but choose to ignore it? How painful was it when you eventually realized that you could have realized far less pain and agony by following your inner guidance system rather than listening to your head chatter? Time to begin to not only listen to your inner logic, but to go with your inner Knowing, even though it may fly in the face of conventional “wisdom”.

So what does thinking something to death buy you? While it is always prudent to assess all the “facts” in a situation, it is also important to tune in on a subtle energy level to corroborate these facts and figures. Forewarned is indeed forearmed and those who plunge headlong into a situation without looking at it from all sides will certainly suffer the regrets of not seeing the warning signs that we choose to ignore in blur of emotion. Emotion is a fire that can ignite us to action, but without the understanding of the ramifications of a situation it may be like a poorly laid fire and not able to sustain itself because of lack of planning and resources to support the endeavor.

So how is one to approach a problem/challenge in a conscious way? We might suggest that a rush to judgment without proper intelligence is never a wise choice. Your powers of reason are there as guidance to help accumulate the information you require for an informed decision. Your emotional response helps indicate how closely this aligns with either your soul purpose or ego. Discernment is being able to Know the difference. Motivation and commitment take the process to the next level of bringing this into form. All are necessary in order to live a life of conscious integration. When the balance is skewed in either direction you will find yourself moving in circles, waiting for the fog to lift or sidetracked on adventures of the ego that are usually not pleasant.

Times are calling you to come into resonance and balance with all of your faculties. Thinking is a necessary process as is emotion.  When one comes from a higher perspective, one honors the inherent balance in nature that is elevating us in order to tap into our own inner wisdom/Sophia.  Intelligence is merely capacity to see differently.  Compassion allows one to feel from the heart. Together they complete the cycle of Knowledge and Loving awareness that keeps us on an upward path.  Carry on…


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