Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Soul Rays

Events in your life come and go but what remains consistent is your soul purpose in an incarnation. When you incarnate, there is an agreement to embody in the frequency of a certain ray. If, for instance, you choose to incarnate as a yellow ray, your experiences will have the underlying theme of harmony and emotional stability, red – more passionate and sensual and so forth.  It will be necessary to incarnate many times in different rays in order to master the frequency of each and balance your experiences incarnate.
Those who are intent on mastering the lessons of the heart will have a hard time achieving mastery of complex mental tasks but no trouble at all feeling and expressing their love.  Many souls that come into form with the chromosome for mental retardation are extremely loving and compassionate because they have chosen to experience the green ray. Others who enjoy involving themselves in challenging mental endeavors would probably be more associated with the blue ray.

Realizing your intrinsic color vibration can be a large part of understanding why you make the choices in your life and what you can do to come into harmony with your soul programming. Going against type, as indicated by the frequency of your soul ray, can be a huge lesson for some if they allow feelings of inadequacy pressure them into doing things that go against their type and oppose the intrinsic nature of their soul program. While not harmful, it can waste many hours in fruitless struggle, trying to be  something that is against your innate nature. How much simpler it is when we embrace our soul ray and allow others to find their inner guidance system as well. Trying to force the wrong pieces into the puzzle of life is folly, only leading back to the original vantage point for recalibration. 

So how might you go about coming into resonance with your soul ray?  We might suggest that going back to the things you enjoyed as a child  before parental and societal programming set in might be a good start. Were you creative, studious, loving, fearful, needy, imaginative, joyful, etc.? This might be your first clue. Do you see a connection between these ingrained talents and abilities when placed beside your astrological sign? What is your favorite color?  All subtle indicators of the frequency of your soul ray.

Once you determine the theme/color of your soul ray, you may wish to allow your soul ray to point you to the lessons you came to experience. How does this compare with the choices you have made in your life and whether you feel in resonance or has it been a constant struggle?  If you came in with say a green (heart centered) ray, would you be more effective and comfortable with a job as a mathematician or a social worker? Pretty obvious, but how many of us go through life trying to walk in someone else’s shoes, rather than following the road maps we mailed ourselves from “the other side”

Allow your soul to whisper in your and help reveal the color and therefore the theme of your life’s journey and you will not feel that you have wasted your life trying to be something you are not. Each life has an underlying theme or energetic vibration that allows your soul to reveal your color/soul ray in the rainbow of life. You will feel the underlying frequency of acceptance – of yourself and the unique journey you will be able to fulfill, knowing that all is as planned. And, your choices will be easier if you honor your soul commitment to explore the frequency of that ray.  Who knew? You, of course, but now you really do.


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