Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The frequency of life expressed in form is going through an upgrade as more and more are coming into resonance with the divine. This is a phenomena explained by some such as Dr. David Hawkins who notes the affect that one advanced being can have on helping to elevate the frequency of those vibrating at the lower end of the scale. It is much as is observed in “a rising tide elevating all ships”.  This is a time of much movement on the harmonic scale as well as many are being “tuned” to the higher frequency of Light. You may think of it as an orchestra warming up for the main presentation.  All is in a state of preparation and attunement.
You may also discover that many are finding their places in the chorus of life. This is taking place on both sides of the veil. Many are shifting to the side where they can serve the best in the coming change.  There are reasons that justify the “logical” mind but there are also reasons that are part of the greater purpose of soul consciousness that are taking place. All of the pieces of life are in motion and it is good.

As for what this might mean on a personal level, we might suggest that it will behoove you to step back and observe the swirling events in your life.  The only thing that is constant is change. If you are firmly attached to one reality or way of being, you may expect that that will be set loose to reform in another. It is a wake-up call at a soul level to pack your bags but travel light into a new world of incredible splendor and wonder.

It your happiness is contingent on things being in a certain order and form, expect that this tree will be shaken and many of the leaves dislodged. If your identity is tied to a specific job, role, or status, this too may be morphing into another form. What is it that holds you back from becoming the embodiment of your soul purpose?  These are the ties that bind you to the past and can be expected to come untied in the transition into Light. What illusions are most restrictive on your soul growth and keep you from moving higher in your understanding? This is an earthquake of major proportions on a soul level. Those that are not attached to the structures of the past will not be buried in the rubble of change but will be free to rebuild on less shaky ground.

With the falling away comes the promise of freedom of possibilities. If the rules of the past no longer apply, what do you wish to create for your new world of tomorrow?  If one has the freedom to be anyone one wants, live wherever one chooses, do anything one desires, what would your new world look like? That is what we would ask you to consider. As the old falls away, where do you wish to stake your claim in the new world of possibilities? Are you where you wish to be or is that something that was decided for you by others? Are you living your father’s, mother’s, spouse’s or other’s dream or is this your own vision? Time to come in alignment with your soul purpose.

What truly gives you Joy in experience? Where, how can you go, or be in order to make this your reality? Time to claim your own dream rather than living in the shoes of another - or have you forgotten what that was? How many soul promptings have been shelved because they were not “practical” or you couldn’t see past the obstacles that were placed in your path? Given your new awareness and the fact that roots to the past are being dislodged, how might you shift in order to bring this into fruition?

Have your priorities shifted in order to accommodate your evolving beliefs? What no longer serves your soul’s desires? Is spiritual growth becoming more important than “things”? How does this impact your drive to “succeed” in life? Where is this taking you and with whom? Who no longer resonates with your new vision? Are they an anchor that is preventing your growth or a help-mate that will can help each other leapfrog into the new world?

These are the choices swirling around you in this maelstrom of change.  Do you wish to become part of this tide of change that is taking place or will you cling to the sidelines and risk being swept under in the tsunami of those who are moving rapidly by? This is a calling to become the hero/heroine of your dreams and to become one with the new world of possibilities. Those who can’t let go to the past will have other lifetimes to try again and have chosen their fate. Time for those on the brink to move forward with the flow into a sea of Love. All is well…


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