Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Healing is really restoring something to the perfection that was part of the divine blueprint supplied by the Creator. All is indeed perfect, but part of our journey in form is remembering that perfection .  As part of the growth process and awareness, we may stumble or take on a challenge that may seem to the unaware as an imperfection. Nothing could be further from the truth. Physical burdens might also be looked at as opportunities for understanding, redemption, and growth in the physical form. All is not as it may seem and the more we are able to release the judgments and misperceptions and receive the gifts of “imperfection”, the more we are able to receive and incorporate these lessons and move higher in our own growth and healing.
When we speak of healing, this is merely a process of growth and understanding applied to the physical being. In order to restore the body to homeostasis or a state of health and well-being, it will frequently require an attitude/altitude adjustment. Some may blame self or others for a state of poor health. This, of courses, removes them from the “problem” but also from the solution. Might it not indeed be more fruitful to instead begin to apply the healing balm of love and forgiveness to the parts that are hurting in order for the healing process to begin? Having compassion for others as well as one’s self, also holds the vibration of Love in the field of Light energy surrounding the parts being healed.
Now we say being healed because what may be required is not necessarily a physical healing but also the underlying emotional and mental schisms that require readjustment before the physical healing process can begin. There are also the commitments one may have made on a Karmic level to redress any misconceptions or injustices one may have inflected on others that are being brought into balance and understanding. One should always honor the wishes of the afflicted on both a physical and soul journey level and respect the lessons that might require the pain in order to receive the grace of understanding.
Without the pain of crisis, many would not be motivated to bring to the surface the underlying slivers that are piercing the emotional body. True healing is achieved when these underlying wounds are exposed to awareness for healing and transformation. What lessons of Love for self and others are being served by pain and infirmity that can be brought into resonance for healing? Letting go of the need to “punish” self and others for infliction of the pain allows the chords that bind one to the experience to dissolve and free the recipient from the intrusion of pain.

What is painful is also cathartic. In the expression of pain, both physical and emotional, we release the “toxins” that threaten to poison our being, both physically and emotionally. As we move through the pain into a place of healing and understanding, the physical and emotional wounds begin to reform and regrow a new skin of protection. Though it may never look the same, it is in many ways scar tissue that is frequently stronger than before and a badge of honor because we Know and appreciate the lessons of the journey.
What about chronic diseases and afflictions you may ask? Perhaps this is a lesson of a lifetime to atone for illusions of the past. This is not to say that all such afflictions are incurable, only that this is a continuing lesson one has chosen to experience in order for growth to occur. Miracles occur when someone “gets it” on such a deep level that all illusions in form are dissolved and health is restored. Jesus was able to dissolve the ties that bound the suffering to the past and revealed that this is something that others are capable of doing as well. What if all truly believed and accepted Christ Consciousness? Would there be the need for disease and pain?
How are you showing up as a healer in your own life? Do you possess abilities and perceptions that you Know to be a divine gift that is not being realized? How much can you do to alter your perceptions of health and healing by raising your vibrational frequency so that you no longer attract the negative vibration of disease? All worthy considerations as you move into a new era of homeostasis of mind, body, and spirit.  Heal on…


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