Tuesday, May 15, 2012


In sorting out the keepers in your life, you may wish to do a little evaluation as to what they do to enrich your experience. What things enhance your sense of self- worth and the highest expression of your divinity and which are merely there to glorify the ego? Which continue to bring joy to your life and which have lost their luster? As you go about your spring housecleaning, you may wish to let go of the things that no longer serve your highest purpose and those that merely clutter up your environment with pieces of your past life.
When we speak of keepers, we would also suggest that you begin to examine which people you might wish to keep in your life.  Which continue to enrich your experience and which continue to espouse the same worn-out platitudes that you have grown beyond. Does it feel like a broken record when you are with them with the same old tune playing over and over or are you constantly stimulating and growing with each other as new ideas and perceptions feed each other’s awareness? Are you willing to move on in your relationships or is there old business still waiting to be played out? Time to reassess what feeds your soul and what has served its purpose.

We might also suggest that you go a little deeper to reveal the inner motivations of those you choose to bring into your circle of awareness.  Who do you admire and wish to emulate because of the soul qualities they demonstrate in their lives? Who may possess knowledge and insights far beyond your own that might help educate and inform in ways that are uplifting as well as informative? What is to be gained and what is to be sacrificed in each encounter in your life? Do the positive aspects of a relationship outweigh the costs? Few will be all negative or all positive. Is the expenditure of energy in dealing with the negative worth the enrichment of the positive? Time for honesty and a willingness to confront those who challenge you to reach higher.

As the sands of time shift lower, all are being called to remove the impediments to growth and understanding. By removing the things that block your path, you free the flow of energy into more productive venues. If the things and relationships that you cling to require your energy to keep them all running smoothly, you would be wise to see if they still serve you. Things that require constant attention should be those that enrich and support your experience.

Removing the irritants or impediments in your life is a constant process of refinement and discernment. The screens of the filters are becoming increasingly narrow. By removing the things in your life that slow down the flow, you continue to fine-tune the process of awareness and understanding. Take time to sit in a meditative and contemplative process and allow the pieces of your life to flow past in total objectivity. Those that no longer serve you or require a distracting amount of energy without significant benefit should be discarded if your commitment is to personal growth.

The keepers in life are few but the rewards for extricating yourself from the quagmire of distractions are great.  Be strong, objective, and courageous and you will soon be able to bask in the awareness of understanding of the flow of life without limits. Sail on…


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


As you move into resonance with the divine there will be many things in your world that feel “off”. We say that because it will seem that they are no longer part of the world you are creating with your intentions. Now there will undoubtedly be great attachments to things that you have formed emotional alliances with in the past. It would be wise to evaluate these as to whether they still serve your needs and growth or are merely the familiar and worn out.

This goes for people as well. Who in your circle of acquaintances DEMONSTRATES a higher level of understanding and walks their walk in a way that you would like to emulate? These are the leaders of the new world in formation. Those who speak loudly of a world of Love and Joy but have not mastered the essential understanding to create that for themselves may not be the most worthy of your attachment. Intellectual profession of an ideal is fine but being able to incorporate this understanding into every facet of one’s life is far more admirable and worthy of your allegiance.

As to leadership…Who do you not only admire but feel a soul connection for they seem to espouse the same values and ideals? Do they demonstrate these very ideals and values in their lives and their dealings with others? Are they committed to the growth and understanding of those around them without trying to glorify their own accomplishments? Are they willing to admit their own shortcomings and repair their own missteps? It is in the humility of humbling oneself to our fellow sojourners that the meek will inherit the earth. There is a strength but also humility when those who would lead join hands with those on a similar path so that all may arrive together in Love. These are the Bodhisattvas of Love.

This is a group process of awareness. Perhaps it takes the humbling in order to bring all together in the process of growth. Culling out the weakest because of their lapses in strength does little to assure that all will arrive Home together. Humbling oneself to lend a hand up to those who stumble is an evolved form of leadership for it demonstrates the greater understanding behind the message of Love.  Who do you know that may have stumbled and is searching for Love? How can you not condone misdeeds, but assist them in moving past the challenge and realizing the greater learning to be realized from forgiveness and compassion. Accountability to the whole is begun when one admits one’s missteps and receives the grace of forgiveness from the others in order to transform all into a demonstration of Love.

Repairing the tears in the fabric of the balloon of life is necessary if the vehicle is to become airworthy. If all are willing to heal and repair their own “stuff” the collective will become stronger and more airworthy. When we are unforgiving to those who have caused us pain and harm, we leave a gaping hole in the envelope of life that renders the craft un-airworthy until the repair is made. As we all begin to mend the wounds in the body of life, we allow the ascension to take place.
What area in your life is leaking Love and understanding? What/who have you been unwilling to forgive and repair past associations? How has your cowardice, inflexibility, and inability of seeing past the hurt and disappointment prevented you from healing the injury? Perhaps it is time for debrede the accumulated “stuff” that continues to reinjure and allow all to be healed with new skin of awareness.

This is a time of healing but also of assimilation. Courage will be necessary to step beyond our comfort zone and “bite the bullet” while wounds are healed. The deep cleaning of past grievances and misunderstandings must be brought to light in order for healing to take place. All is not as we perceive and it is only by airing our misconceptions that this will happen. The balm of Love can heal all wounds when applied in generous amounts.  How can you humble yourself in the face of Love so that true healing is accomplished? Anything else is merely bandaging over the wound to hide it from others. Choose Love…


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rough Edges

In the sifting through of the discards and the keepers in your life you might choose to look closely at the far-reaching implications of each choice. Which decisions might ultimately lead to a better long-range objective, even though things might be rough or dicey for the present? Frequently it is in the playing out of the drama that the rough edges of awareness are worn away and the elements of the new reality will fall into place.

Just because the road is rocky does not mean that it is impassible. As more and more come together on this final stretch, it requires that we confront our greater challenges since this is where our more significant growth will take place.  Consider all the work you have done to date as merely preparatory for the greater challenges of exponential growth.  Avoidance merely prolongs the exposure to the jagged edges of doubt rather than leaping into the unknown safe in the knowledge that you are connected to the bunji cord of God’s Love.

Integrity involves setting fears aside and doing what is “right” despite personal consequences. What do you know to be true but are afraid to confront? How has your timidity impacted the road others have had to follow in pursuit of truth and justice? Would your facing up to your truths and Lovingly working with others in righting perceived wrongs made any difference in the lives of others? Cowardice allows the misdeeds of others to go uncorrected and therefore others suffer needlessly when you fail to stand up against injustice. Perhaps the strength one feels when others show up as well is a route you might consider if you are challenged by your own timidity. Mutual support may be necessary until all feel empowered to stand up to the tyranny of others.

Integrity is also being willing to see through the illusions of one’s own judgments and take action to correct the process. It is difficult to let go of visions of people or things that one once viewed as incorruptible. All things and all people have inherent weakness and flaws or they would not still be enrolled in the earth school. Recognizing this and assisting in the correction of these cracks in the façade is what is necessary so that all may evolve into Loving perfection. This frequently requires us to let down the barriers that separate us in order to apply a healing balm of Love to the process.

If someone has caused physical, mental or emotional injury to another it is always a cry for Love at a deeper level. Offering to not excuse but acknowledge the unloving behavior and instead come from a place of Loving forgiveness while holding a vision of corrected behavior is a sign of spiritual maturity and awareness. We are not saying to condone inappropriate behavior, but to see past this expression of a deeper inner hurt and healing the source rather than the symptom.

It is all Love and the misperceptions surrounding this most basic of human experience creates the ills of society as well as the solutions.  Be willing to examine the events in your life and see which ones seem out of alignment with the Loving principal. Your actions, as well as reactions, demonstrate the depth to which you have assimilated this vital connection. It is all Love… It is all God…