Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rough Edges

In the sifting through of the discards and the keepers in your life you might choose to look closely at the far-reaching implications of each choice. Which decisions might ultimately lead to a better long-range objective, even though things might be rough or dicey for the present? Frequently it is in the playing out of the drama that the rough edges of awareness are worn away and the elements of the new reality will fall into place.

Just because the road is rocky does not mean that it is impassible. As more and more come together on this final stretch, it requires that we confront our greater challenges since this is where our more significant growth will take place.  Consider all the work you have done to date as merely preparatory for the greater challenges of exponential growth.  Avoidance merely prolongs the exposure to the jagged edges of doubt rather than leaping into the unknown safe in the knowledge that you are connected to the bunji cord of God’s Love.

Integrity involves setting fears aside and doing what is “right” despite personal consequences. What do you know to be true but are afraid to confront? How has your timidity impacted the road others have had to follow in pursuit of truth and justice? Would your facing up to your truths and Lovingly working with others in righting perceived wrongs made any difference in the lives of others? Cowardice allows the misdeeds of others to go uncorrected and therefore others suffer needlessly when you fail to stand up against injustice. Perhaps the strength one feels when others show up as well is a route you might consider if you are challenged by your own timidity. Mutual support may be necessary until all feel empowered to stand up to the tyranny of others.

Integrity is also being willing to see through the illusions of one’s own judgments and take action to correct the process. It is difficult to let go of visions of people or things that one once viewed as incorruptible. All things and all people have inherent weakness and flaws or they would not still be enrolled in the earth school. Recognizing this and assisting in the correction of these cracks in the façade is what is necessary so that all may evolve into Loving perfection. This frequently requires us to let down the barriers that separate us in order to apply a healing balm of Love to the process.

If someone has caused physical, mental or emotional injury to another it is always a cry for Love at a deeper level. Offering to not excuse but acknowledge the unloving behavior and instead come from a place of Loving forgiveness while holding a vision of corrected behavior is a sign of spiritual maturity and awareness. We are not saying to condone inappropriate behavior, but to see past this expression of a deeper inner hurt and healing the source rather than the symptom.

It is all Love and the misperceptions surrounding this most basic of human experience creates the ills of society as well as the solutions.  Be willing to examine the events in your life and see which ones seem out of alignment with the Loving principal. Your actions, as well as reactions, demonstrate the depth to which you have assimilated this vital connection. It is all Love… It is all God…


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