Tuesday, May 8, 2012


As you move into resonance with the divine there will be many things in your world that feel “off”. We say that because it will seem that they are no longer part of the world you are creating with your intentions. Now there will undoubtedly be great attachments to things that you have formed emotional alliances with in the past. It would be wise to evaluate these as to whether they still serve your needs and growth or are merely the familiar and worn out.

This goes for people as well. Who in your circle of acquaintances DEMONSTRATES a higher level of understanding and walks their walk in a way that you would like to emulate? These are the leaders of the new world in formation. Those who speak loudly of a world of Love and Joy but have not mastered the essential understanding to create that for themselves may not be the most worthy of your attachment. Intellectual profession of an ideal is fine but being able to incorporate this understanding into every facet of one’s life is far more admirable and worthy of your allegiance.

As to leadership…Who do you not only admire but feel a soul connection for they seem to espouse the same values and ideals? Do they demonstrate these very ideals and values in their lives and their dealings with others? Are they committed to the growth and understanding of those around them without trying to glorify their own accomplishments? Are they willing to admit their own shortcomings and repair their own missteps? It is in the humility of humbling oneself to our fellow sojourners that the meek will inherit the earth. There is a strength but also humility when those who would lead join hands with those on a similar path so that all may arrive together in Love. These are the Bodhisattvas of Love.

This is a group process of awareness. Perhaps it takes the humbling in order to bring all together in the process of growth. Culling out the weakest because of their lapses in strength does little to assure that all will arrive Home together. Humbling oneself to lend a hand up to those who stumble is an evolved form of leadership for it demonstrates the greater understanding behind the message of Love.  Who do you know that may have stumbled and is searching for Love? How can you not condone misdeeds, but assist them in moving past the challenge and realizing the greater learning to be realized from forgiveness and compassion. Accountability to the whole is begun when one admits one’s missteps and receives the grace of forgiveness from the others in order to transform all into a demonstration of Love.

Repairing the tears in the fabric of the balloon of life is necessary if the vehicle is to become airworthy. If all are willing to heal and repair their own “stuff” the collective will become stronger and more airworthy. When we are unforgiving to those who have caused us pain and harm, we leave a gaping hole in the envelope of life that renders the craft un-airworthy until the repair is made. As we all begin to mend the wounds in the body of life, we allow the ascension to take place.
What area in your life is leaking Love and understanding? What/who have you been unwilling to forgive and repair past associations? How has your cowardice, inflexibility, and inability of seeing past the hurt and disappointment prevented you from healing the injury? Perhaps it is time for debrede the accumulated “stuff” that continues to reinjure and allow all to be healed with new skin of awareness.

This is a time of healing but also of assimilation. Courage will be necessary to step beyond our comfort zone and “bite the bullet” while wounds are healed. The deep cleaning of past grievances and misunderstandings must be brought to light in order for healing to take place. All is not as we perceive and it is only by airing our misconceptions that this will happen. The balm of Love can heal all wounds when applied in generous amounts.  How can you humble yourself in the face of Love so that true healing is accomplished? Anything else is merely bandaging over the wound to hide it from others. Choose Love…


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