Sunday, August 12, 2012

Real Time

The time in which you live is morphing from a linear structure into a cosmic measurement which better reflects your place in the time/space continuum. It may feel as if time has speeded up and been compressed as you try to fit everything into a smaller box. What is calling for is for you to step back and assess what is important for your spiritual evolution and what are merely time fillers with no intrinsic value in the larger scheme of things. Certainly there are many things in your life that serve no real value and are wasteful of your most valuable asset which is time.

In evaluating what to keep and what to discard we might suggest that you look closer at the things that feed your soul and assist in your spiritual growth. How much time do you spend enhancing your higher understanding of your soul purpose and feeding and nurturing this process?  What importance do you place on this in the overall scheme of things in your life?

How much time do you spend in activities that merely maintain the status quo and fill time in which no real growth is taking place? Do you continue to feed and nourish the creative part of yourself and those around you or is it the same old patterns repeating over and over? Are you taking time to nourish and honor yourself and to delve deeper into your inner process in order to make the necessary course corrections? Time to come to grips with what is important and what is not in the overall scheme of things.

This goes for people as well. Who in your life energizes and contributes to your life in meaningful ways? Who is an energetic drain with no meaningful contribution to your life or theirs? Are you enabling them to continue their destructive or meaningless practices by your continued reinforcement or do you actually see growth taking place? It is time to look closely at the time we spend on all of the activities in our lives and the cost/benefit from each.

Given that time is an illusion, are there areas of your life that seem stuck in the past or playing out in future time? What can you do or shift in your understanding that would allow you to live only in the present moment? If the only time that matters is now, what do you have in your tool box of experience that is relevant to this moment that will allow you to make more loving, conscious choices? Do you see how worrying about all of the “what ifs” in life reduces the time and energy you have to devote to what really matters which is now? Begin to live in smaller chunks of time without regret, projections, or expectations and you will soon be able to master the momentary consciousness that transcends time and space.

If you could choose a moment in time to be at this very instant, how old would you be? What would you be doing? How would that feel? Try putting yourself in that moment, in that mindset and seeing how that feels given your current commitment and conscious understanding. Try behaving “as if” just for a moment, and another, and another… How does this change your perspective of life and how you have grown beyond those past experiences and no longer need to repeat them? Do you understand why these are no longer appropriate given the current you?

Now, projecting yourself into future time, how will the current you be able to use your new understanding to transcend past lessons and create a higher reality free from the ego-traps you have experienced in the past?  Good Job!

There are many cosmic forces that your solar system is experiencing that are altering the parameters of time and space. Be open to the blurring of lines of time and allow your experiences to flow freely between the lines even though they may seem disorienting at times. The only thing that is stationary is now so learn to be the best reflection of your divine self in this moment and time will flow freely in and through you in perfection. It is time…


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