Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Choosing Life

If you are in tune with the higher realms you have a direct connection to the up-to-the-minute news of what is happening in and through you.  We say that not as an “advertisement” of the higher frequency band but just as an acknowledgement of how important it is to connect with your own higher wisdom throughout the day.  Each of you has within you an inner Knowing of that which vibrates of Love and that which is merely useless chatter in the world of form.  What is meaningful discussion and what fails to measure up?

As part of the discernment process, we would suggest that you begin to evaluate that which is real and true and that which is not. While all are created in God’s image and therefore contain the God-spark of creation there is also the aspect of Free Will. Many do not choose to expand on their divine qualities and instead opt for the “easy way out” in resonating with the desires of the ego. It is all about choices that may prolong the ascension process if they are not willing to listen to the still, small voice within that Knows the path of Love.

Now none of this is new but we merely wish to remind you that you do have a choice as to how you perceive your life. Two may have the same experiences but perceive them differently and choose to react to them differently. Is something a “disaster” because it fails to live up to expectations or an opportunity for growth and understanding because it causes one to move out of the illusion and into higher awareness? It is all perception and we invite you to look beyond the obvious and search for the deeper meaning when dealing with life’s challenges and opportunities.

Now we say opportunities, for anything that takes us beyond the status quo is indeed an opportunity for growth and understanding. Stagnation results when one is content to remain motionless in the stream of life. Though it is frequently a necessity for stopping, reflecting and going within to access a clearer answer, this is never meant to be a permanent way of being. It is meant only as a steering mechanism in the course of life. Once stability is attained it is time to venture out once again on the homeward journey.

So presuming that you are in a state of clarity and preparation, where do you wish to guide your vehicle on the road of life?  What attracts you because you can see clearly opportunities for higher understanding and growth? What is merely tempting because it fulfills desires of the ego without compensating spiritual insights? Can you have both or are they mutually exclusive? Spiritual growth is meant to be joyful. When you can find true Joy, which is a clear indication of divine purpose, you  know you are on a higher spiritual path because it fills in this piece of the divine mosaic.

Remember that true Joy is never at the expense of others. It frequently results when two or more are connected in higher purpose. There is never a “downside” for there is an exhilaration when all “win” together. What situations in your life bring all together in higher purpose and feel Joyful in the execution? If this is the yardstick by which you would measure your life, what would measure up and what would fall short? Perhaps this is something to look at in evaluating what stay with and nurture and what to cut yourself free from so that you can move on.

 The road ahead is narrowing as we get closer to the destination. All are being encouraged to stop and consider the steps you consciously take each day lest they be unsure and cause you to trip and falter. The clearer you are in Knowing where you are headed and what you are willing and unwilling to do in order to get there, the easier will be the process. When the destination becomes the focus, all else will be drawn to you that fulfills that intention. Being unsure of your intent or desires merely allows things that do not support your murky intention to slip in unaware and cloud the path. Where are you going and what are you willing to do to get there? The choice is yours to make…Carry on…

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