Sunday, September 16, 2012

Starry Starry Night

Starry Starry Night


In the course of human events there are many shining examples that stand out as lights that are as stars in the background of a sky of mediocrity. Those that seem to shine brightest are when we interact with another on a deep soul level and there is a deep inner Knowing that we are indeed One. What if your whole life were sprinkled with such moments to the extent that this was all you could see? To create this reality, you must be able to give up that which calls you to the desires of the ego and be willing to risk all in search of this higher form of Love.


What would you be willing to risk to live a life filled with ecstatic pleasure, not just in the physical sense, but things that turn on and enliven all of the moments of your life in Joy and wonder? Since this requires an attitude of creativity as well as receptivity, what is preventing you from doing this?


Perhaps you do not feel that you deserve to be happy beyond measure –you get your wish! Perhaps you feel that joy is frivolous - guess what, no Joy. Perhaps you cannot see beyond the illusions of the present to even imagine a world without strife and pain. Guess what you will create. To be able to create a different future, you must be able to discard these images of past “failures” and envision a different play unfolding in your life.


Given a blank slate, what would you put on it that would give you true joy? Would it be more “things”? Would it be wealth? How about romance? Travel? Physical beauty? Given your experiences, what of these made you truly happy and has planted seeds for even greater experiences in the future?


What about power? What has made you feel truly powerful? Was this at the expense of others? How did that make you feel in the long run? Was it joyful? Is power over yourself or others a good thing or does it leave you feeling empty and betrayed? How might this cachet called power be redirected to serve yourself and others in a more meaningful way.” What do you do that makes you feel powerful in a positive way and how can you use this dynamic energy to elevate yourself and others in positive ways?


What about nurturance? On a feeling scale, is it more Joyful to nurture or be nurtured?  What can you do to bring more of this nurturing, caring energy into your life? Is caring and compassion a big part of your life and your daily practice or are you bound by perceived constraints that make this seem difficult? Perhaps it is time to sever these ties that bind you and prevent your giving and receiving the fullest expression of God’s Love in and through others.


The illusions of life are a cloud that prevents our seeing things around us in their natural state as God does. Suspend your judgment and expectations and you will enter a world where beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if you assume your God-vision-goggles, all will be revealed in the perfection of this divine vision.  Allow yourself to live amongst this image more and more each day until this becomes your reality.  The only things preventing us from ascending into our godhood are our limiting thoughts and beliefs. You are more than you can ever imagine and this divine image is being withheld because you are reluctant to open your inner awareness in order to embody the magnificence you are. What will it take to inspire you to get up and accept this mantle of divinity? God only knows… 


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