Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Common Ground

If you believe that you are serving a higher purpose in all that you do, you will ultimately achieve that goal.  If you believe that all is in chaos and that you are at the mercy of the forces beyond your control, then this is what you will create. When all is transpiring in your world within the parameters of your belief system, doesn’t it make sense to create a world of greater potential and awareness?

As for how we might recommend that you go about this, we might suggest that you take some time to sit in your higher self and ruminate upon the things that are going well in your life and those that you would like to change. What might you do to perpetuate the positive energy that you feel from the things that you are creating that serve a higher purpose? What can you learn from these that will assist you in altering the outcome of those that do not seem to be going as well? If these are patterns of experience, what are the common patterns that help create the positive experiences? Is there a common theme such as compassion, connectedness, kindness or love that exemplifies the positive experiences? What about those that are not going so well? What can you borrow from the playbook of uplifting experiences that can help you redirect the events in your life in a more positive way?

Now undoubtedly the things that create conflict in your life are experienced in concert with others.  What lesson is calling to be mastered in this conflict? How is your attachment to a point of view or idea causing an impasse because neither is willing to see through the other’s eyes? If you pause a moment and suspend all judgment and try to see the situation as the other does, isn’t there a third path that honors the truth of each in more respectful ways? Just a suggestion…

Conflicts in the world frequently are the result of envisioning a situation through the blinders of limited vision. You only have to step into another’s shoes to see and feel the scope of the impasse due to differing perspectives.  If all are to come together as One, it will require us to dissolve the barriers to understanding. The more you are willing to find out about your partners in experience and find the common threads that bind you together, the more you will be able to find the common ground on which to walk together.

This all begins with suspending judgment long enough to see the face of God in your counterpart. If he/she also is God expressing in form, what is this mirroring to you to be revealed? If we are to move beyond the confines of our egoic perceptions, we will be able to see the light of common experience peeking out from under the obstacles/excuses we have placed in the way. There is a common thread that binds us all together. It is to be discovered when we accept our own divine abilities that allow us to see others as God does and to nurture those divine traits in ourselves and those we have chosen to share this journey with.  Be willing to move past these impasses in your life and find the higher path that you can walk together on the journey Home.  Come Home…


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