Tuesday, September 25, 2012



While life might be perceived by some as being chaotic, we might offer that in reality everything is going exactly according to plan. It requires the breaking of the external shell to allow the emerging magnificence to be born. It is all good. Soon the remnants of a life lived in pain, fear and suffering will be distant memories that were discarded in order to embrace the new reality. You are serving, in fact, as midwives to this emerging new world.

That said, we have a few suggestions that might ease the labor pains. First, do not attach yourself to anyone or anything. It is important to be as free as possible to move in your space in order to come into alignment with the new frequencies. Unless those to which you are tethered are of the same frequency, you will not be able to remain in equilibrium when moving through the dimensional portal.

Liquidize - the more “stuff” you try to bring along, the more difficult this passage will become. Allow the dramas in your life to take a backseat for now and concentrate on just being in your higher space while the background rearranges itself. It is almost like being in a state of suspended animation if you are whole, complete and operating in a state of peace.

Peace is the operative word right now. All is peaceful if you choose it to be so.  Many around the world are tuning into this frequency of Love made manifest. The more the global community is able to tune into this frequency of peace, the more this will become the reality. The efforts to make this so have not gone unnoticed on the higher realms.  There are  sparks of peace around the earth that are igniting fires of recognition everywhere.  While many have not entirely grasped the magnitude of what this really means once it is realized, it is a beginning and one that must be nurtured if it is to become a reality.

As it has been said, peace is really an inside job for this is where it must begin. That is the real “grass roots” level of experience. Until one has mastered some level of inner peace and be willing to embrace the concept of brotherhood of all – not just with those that come easy - there will be little chance of uniting a diverse world in this experience. You might begin by thinking of those with whom you have the greatest difficulty connecting. Of these, what areas of common agreement do you share? This must be where peace starts.

Begin to build a common foundation on which to build a sanctuary of peace. The more commonalities you can share with each other, the greater will be the opportunity to find new ones to replace the broken ones of suspicion, distrust and disagreement. Keep searching for there is a common bond that connects all pieces of humanity if only we are willing to dig deeper amongst the rubble of explosive interaction and resurrect the peaceful Home we all long for.

Peace in your world will only be achieved when brothers and sisters put aside the things that make us unique for now and start to bring together the things that unite us in the body of God. This is the core of our creation that is beckoning us all Home. Our differences are the accessories that decorate our lives with joy and wonder. These gifts will go unsung without the body of God that is forged from the Oneness. Be willing to become part of the essential body of creation and you will find ample opportunity to decorate the All with your unique gifts. Come Home in Peace…

Link to Smilebox of Peace One Day in Sedona

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