Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Communicating Your Truth

Communication between all beings is challenging at this time as all begin to come into alignment with their true nature. There may have been times when you were less than forthcoming and honest with those around you and now that imbalance is being corrected.  All are being called into accountability to stand in the truth of their being and to be held accountable for past missteps.

Beginning today, what can you do to “clean up your act” and come from a place of total honesty in all that you do? How will this affect the way you communicate with those around you? Are some things best left unsaid if they are hurtful to another or they serve no constructive purpose? What things might you have said that really are only reflections of your own insecurities or erroneous thought patterns?

How might you rephrase your speech to begin to communicate things that uplift and empower those around you rather than calling them to task for things you do not like? By emphasizing the divine qualities in another, you empower them to personify these very qualities. Since you give energy to the things you observe, wouldn’t it be more constructive to focus on and reinforce things that ennoble others rather than deride them for the ways they fall short of your vision?

If we wish to direct positive behavior, it also helps to model the things we value in others. Since like does attract like, the more Loving we are to those who may not be demonstrating Love themselves, we plant seeds that when nourished will produce astounding results.  Being the change you wish to see in the world begins to take form when we learn to see through God’s eyes rather than the dirty lenses society uses to separate us by emphasizing our differences rather than acknowledging our similarities and common purpose.

Being able to communicate these simple truths and standing tall in your integrity by proclaiming this higher vision may be uncomfortable but necessary if change is to be realized. Your courage to communicate your truth, regardless of the opinions of others will encourage others to do likewise and help begin the process of changing attitudes and therefore reality.

Now this is not to say that all such comments will be welcomed by those who are comfortable in their rut of complacency. How frightening it may be to some who see life only through the keyhole of experience and are unaware of the greater possibilities of the expanded reality you may be proposing. Rather than making others “wrong” you may find it easier to communicate your own experience, especially your early misgivings and how you overcame impediments to grow into greater understanding. The walk on the upward path is less frightening when one can hold the hand of another who has trod the way before and is willing to share their experience. As more and more step in the experience becomes richer and the way more pleasant for all involved.

Truth once shared becomes part of common knowledge. As more contribute their observances and insights, the vision of a common truth emerges which allows all to be part of the process of revelation. It is through the sharing and evaluating and refining the common vision that the greater truth will be revealed that more clearly reflects the common experience. Without the perspective of the collective observances, your truthlet will be a mere drop in the ocean of truth. Be willing to allow other droplets to coalesce until the greater version of truth begins to take form. There will always be other versions of truth seen from a different vantage point that may or may not alter one’s perspective of truth.

If one is rigidly adherent to a version of truth and unable to appreciate the richness of different visions, one will find it difficult to see as God sees life full of the textures and intricacies of diversity in the human experience.  Step back and observe the magnificence…


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