Friday, December 21, 2012

Living in the NOW Age

As more and more come into resonance with the divine blueprint, we have a few suggestions as to where you may wish to go from here. While there will not be the cataclysmic destruction foretold by some, there will be shifts both in the physical world in which you live and equally dramatic shifts in consciousness. Your world is morphing into a new form that calls for the breaking apart of the old pieces of the substructure of erroneous thought patterns and a restructuring of the foundation of beliefs and awareness.

This will not be an easy journey for those that have heavily invested in the house of cards of the old paradigm when these begin to fall into disrepair. The status quo is “made of Jello” and all in subject to realignment, contingent upon the consciousness of the collective. Rest assure, however, that all is in divine order and any temporary inconveniences and challenges will be met with a realignment with tracks that lead to a whole new platform of discovery.

As to how this might affect the way you conduct your lives, we do have a few suggestions.

First, Is there anything that is preventing you from living totally in a space of Loving awareness? Who or what do you need to forgive in yourself or others that is preventing your realignment with this higher frequency? This is the anchor that is keeping you earth-bound and preventing your ascension into the new reality.

Second, What in your old life does not resonate with a paradigm of Peace, Love and Joy? What situations have you refused to deal with that still cause worry, fear or discontent? Time to look deeply at these remaining cracks in your lifeboat that will prevent your sailing clearly on the ascension path.

And finally, have you prayerfully drawn up a new game plan for the new paradigm? What makes the best use of your talents and abilities and would allow you to move gracefully into the new awareness? What innate talents do you possess that will dovetail nicely with others who have chosen to move into the new reality? You have chosen a unique journey that is shared by many others  in your soul group. It is time to begin to put the pieces together in order to form the new mosaic of life lived in higher consciousness. You have an important piece to share that only you can give. Time to look within and see what your soul is calling you to experience that not only calls to you on a soul level but will fulfill many needs of those around you on the higher path as well.

Looking from a different perspective requires that we step out of our comfort zone and examine all the pieces of our lives to see which remain to be used in new ways and which have served their purpose and need to be discarded in favor of a simpler life and less cluttered vision of the future. The pieces are all there amongst the debris. It is just a matter of sorting through the rubble of the old and discovering the pearls that you will recognize to adorn the new You that is coming into form in the new world. This is what is meant by living in the Now Age. The irrelevance of the past is passé, the future will be perfectly unfolded if we live in the moment. Welcome to the age of NOW…


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