Tuesday, January 1, 2013


As you move into the new world of higher consciousness we would like to share our vision of what this can mean. First, you do realize that your physical bodies are transforming into the crystalline based matrix that will allow you to tune more easily to the higher dimensional frequencies. As a crystal radio is able to receive certain frequencies, the crystalline base of the cells in your body will be able to receive and process the vibrational frequencies of Loving energy that will be the basis for your world. As you align your actions with this frequency band, the things that do not vibrate at this level will begin to fall away until all that remains is Loving energy. Now this will in many cases not be instantaneous since many have not completed their transformation, but for those that have heard the call and stepped forward, this will be the new norm.

As like attracts like, you will undoubtedly find yourself associating more and more with others who carry a similar frequency. Those who carry the old energy patterns will seem out of resonance with the new patterns of association. Do not be surprised that they will also feel your dissonance and feel discomfort until they raise their frequency as well. This might be likened to a school of fish that contains the same frequency and internal direction swimming together in a school of similar members of the same band to whom they are invisibly attached. It is self- selection of a vibrational order.

Just as those with a similar frequency will be drawn to each other, also will they be drawn to places where their vibration is resonant with the environment. Not everyone will feel comfortable in areas with a high energetic vibration and those with a high energetic makeup will feel weighted down in areas that carry a lower vibrational frequency. Those who are disturbed by the environment should look to changing their residence to coincide with the frequency where they will feel more in tune. Given the considerations of vibrational resonance, this might be thought of as setting the stage for growth and well-being.

We might also suggest that you begin to think of the gifts you came here to share and where and how this might be accomplished. This is a time when many are culminating a journey of many lifetimes where certain talents, abilities and proclivities have been experienced and fine-tuned. As masters of your chosen path, what have you learned and how can you express this in the full blossom of your awakened being? This being the graduate school of the heart, how can you put these pieces from previous lifetimes into the realization that all have been lessons in Love and now it is time to create the thesis of demonstration of this wisdom. Does your mastery entail sharing your wisdom in books, movies, or the spoken word or deed? How will you choose to put into practice what you Know and share this awareness with ensuing generations following in your footsteps? If you are to graduate to the next level, what gems of wisdom will you take with you and what will you leave behind in a breadcrumb for future generations of wisdom-seekers to follow?

And finally, what can you share with those around you with those who are beginning to wake up from the long sleep of fear and negativity? As one can see others who have awakened to their Christed self, it behooves you to share secrets to self-knowledge and inner wisdom so that others may follow the trail you have blazed. It is in the retelling that the stories become brighter and the revelations more defined and luminous. Frequently it is only when we have the distance of time do we realize the deeper meaning of the events of our lives and what our soul was showing us to assist in our awakening. If we are willing to help plug in others on the circuit, eventually the illumination of the One will occur. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and connect the points of Light in your life and all will be able to make this step up together. One…two…th



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