Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Creating the New Paradigm

As you begin to redefine the parameters of your life in the new paradigm, we have a few suggestions:

First, it might be wise to redefine your mission statement for your life. Is it to achieve fame and fortune? Create fulfilling relationships? Gain knowledge? Uncover Truth? Serve others? Or become more aligned with your higher purpose? Whatever this is, will be the theme or motivational factor for this next phase of your journey. It behooves you to spend time in reflection to uncover the underlying as well as the stated intentions for your life path.

Second, where is this most likely to take place? If your intention is to serve those in underdeveloped countries, you are probably not going to be able to do much towards this end in the center of a big city. Creating the environment for change to take place is undoubtedly one of the first factors in assuring success. Time spent in understanding a situation in order to anticipate needs and conditions is time well spent.

Third, what existing conditions and circumstances have prevented this from being achieved in the past? This is the baseline from which you will begin. In order to achieve different results, you will have to do things differently. What do you know that sheds new light on this and how can you restructure the building blocks of the old world in order to recreate the new.

Fourth, is this needed and necessary or would some other method of achieving the desired results be better suited to readdressing the problem in a different light with different tools and procedures. The old paradigm of separateness called for looking at situations individually while the new gives us new eyes in order to see the interconnection of all forms and in envisioning ways to create the win-win scenarios that will allow all of the pieces to come together in the tapestry of life.

Fifth, how can this new structure be used in new ways to serve not only the needs of the present but to grow into a form that is beneficial to the whole and to help elevate the energetic vibration of the planet? Given that there are many ways of addressing a situation, how about taking a few moments to fantasize about how these foundational structures we are putting in place for the new dynamic can be morphed and redesigned to support numerous interlocking parts that are forming the new world.

Sixth, what can be learned and shared from this process that can be used as a model for others beginning to create a new reality? Developing a workable model is good but sharing this formula with others so that they can do the same is even more beneficial. The time has passed for proprietary knowledge to be hoarded and kept within the illusion of separateness. It is in the sharing of insights and awareness within the new structures of society that exponential growth on a common path will take place. The tenants of a competitive environment will only melt away when we begin to dissolve the barriers that separate us and to work together for higher purpose.

And seventh, what higher purpose can be achieved by this thought, action, or deed? If we are to have God on our Board of Directors in our life, this should be the position allocated to the Chairman. Unless all of the endeavors correspond in alignment with this higher vision, all will ultimately be in vain. How do you intend to live your life in alignment with this divine blueprint that allows all of these pieces to flow together seamlessly and reflect the hologram of the Unconditional Love of God?

Quite a tall order, but not impossible, given that you are created in this image and have the divine DNA cursing through your veins. How will you come to terms with this heritage is up to you, given the times in which you live. This is the new Eden if you choose to make it so. What have you learned from your past experiences and how will this allow you to move ever higher on your journey Home.  Carry on…


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